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"Bye aunt Manu." Alisha had waved Manu good bye before she left.

Now I have to find Vihaan to ask about the preparation of my chariot; I need to visit mount Shiva.

I as well need to speak with mother about my departure, maybe I'll ask her about it but if she refuses to tell me then I'll have to leave.

"Alisha dear?"

"Yes, uncle Arnav." She replied with her lovely little voice.

"Why don't you play along for now and I'll send someone to play with you."

"I thought you were having fun playing with me and you don't want to stop?" She asked.

"Of course I do and I don't want to leave you dear but uncle Arnav have to go somewhere."

"Where uncle Arnav?"

"Not important."

"Then why are you going?"

"Because I have to."

"But you said it's not important."
I swear this kid ask too many questions.

"Alisha just be a good girl and go play." I placed a kiss on her head.

"Okay, uncle Arnav." She dragged her legs along heading to the chamber prepared for her.

This kid is very funny and I wish I could have a kid like her of my own. But with whom?

The only person I want, I can't look in the eyes because of what I did. At least now we are in speaking terms again and the best part is that she was the one who apologized.

Moving that aside, I have things to do.

I met Vihaan in the official room to discuss.

"Vihaan, was there any news?" I asked.

"No Arnav, I asked all the old servants here but non could tell me." Vihaan replied.

"I wonder whose this prince Vikram is and how old is he, why he was sent to exile and also why has he escaped?" I rested my elbow on top of the desk in front of us and placed my jaw between my thumb and index finger.

"Queen Adhira, she will know." Vihaan suggested but I already thought of that.

"Yes, but knowing mother, since this was kept away from me for many years, then it must be a secret and mother will never tell me."

"In that case, I'll prepare your chariot." He prepared to leave.

"Okay, but I'll speak to mother about it if she'll say anything but if she doesn't, then I'll say good bye."

"Okay Arnav."

"Your highness, King Arnav seek permission to enter." The announcer announced with his high pitched voice, it's just ruining my ear drums.

"Let him enter." I heard my mother's voice say. I entered and walked directly to her chamber,

"Greetings mother." I placed my hands together as if I was praying.

"You embarrassed me today Arnav and it's all because of that stupid woman Manikarnika."

"Mother please not now, I have an important thing to discuss with you."

"What did I do to deserve such treatment from my own son." 

"Maybe because you kept something from me."

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