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I keep having that same dream for months now and I don't understand why but one thing is for sure, I do know who this Arnav is and everything Vikram has been telling me are all lies.

We live in a small house very far from the market. it has a farm which Gangaa, a woman at the same age as me, sir Acash, an advanced man and I work on every day.

Vikram always goes out and when he's around, he tells me how Arnav has destroyed us and teaches me how to use the sword. Even though we spend little time together, I don't feel any bond with him though everyone says am his sister.

I believe he's hiding something, he isn't telling me the truth especially the reason why am wearing a marriage necklace and my real name.

It's mother's. He said but why don't I believe him?

Arnav is a traitor that's trying to ruin us, he has collected all our families wealth and we need to take it back.

But in my dream, I don't believe the Arnav has done such a thing.

But who was that woman in my dream? That's a question I can't find an answer to and I very well know he won't tell me if I asked but I'll find out what he's keeping from me. why I keep dreaming the same dream and not knowing what happened next? who's really Arnav and I know how to do it.

As usual, am helping Gangaa with the household chores while sir Acash clears up the farm. We are currently doing the laundry and my hands are beginning to have injuries all over. I never helped Gangaa with the laundry's, maybe that's why my hands are so soft.

"What are you doing?!" I heard Vikram's voice from behind. He sounded angry.

I stood up and turned to him.

"Helping with the laundry. Why?"

"Don't do that again."

"Why? They are much," I pointed to the pile of clothes in front of us. Earlier this morning, He had suddenly just brought all this clothes for Gangaa to wash. Bad for her but good for me as it gives me a chance to carry out my plan. "I don't think Gangaa will be able to finish washing them and still go to the market so I thought, maybe I'll help." I gave him my famous innocent smile, "so it will be fast."


His answer took me off guard, I never expected him to give me that answer.

Just that moment his eyes went down to my hands.
"Look at your hands!" He took it and showed me like I haven't seen it before. "If you want to help, do something else but don't hurt yourself like this okay."


"Shhhhhh." He placed his index finger in front of my lips. "Am leaving now. Won't you bless me?"

"Bless you." He has soiled my plans.

He went over to Gangaa.

"Let this not be repeated."

"Yes-yes sir." She stuttered. She's has always been afraid of Vikram but I don't know why.

He left moments after he ruffled my hair and me barking at him. Now how will I be able to follow him?

I would have ditched Gangaa and followed him when we were going to the market but now, before she will be done, he has gone and come back.

What do I do? Gangaa needs to go now! Or what if I go?

A smirk creeped up my face as I turned to her, she looked up as if noticing my stare.

She gave me a puzzled look.


"Are you still stuck washing those clothes?"

She rolled her eyes and sighed.
"Don't worry about it Maha, just help me serve sir Acash."

"Or I'll help go to the market so you don't have to go anymore."

"No Maha Laxmi, you don't remember anything, you might get lost and your brother will have my head."

"Oh stop it Gangaa, why will he do that? I won't get lost, I've followed you plenty of times to know the places and I'll won't go anywhere else. I promise."

"I don't think he would like you to leave home alone Maha." She said while facing what she's washing.

"And why not? Am a grown woman aren't I? I don't think am a prisoner here. Do you?"

"You will some day get me into trouble Maha."


She faced me.
"You are very persuasive, I won't bother trying to argue because when you want to do something, nobody's stopping you."

"So I can go?" I chimed.

"Go ask sir Acash for the money then I'll tell you what to buy."

"Thank you Gangaa, I'll be back."


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With love 💖


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