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I rushed to her and knelt down beside her.

Oh God, what have I done? My heart broke as I asked myself whilst looking at her dying state and it's because of me. Again.

"You fool!" Vikram yelled and pushed me back. I supported myself with my hand so I won't fall completely. "Look what you've done!"

"What I've done? She's supposed to be dead!" I retorted back, how come she's here and wanted to kill me? This must all be Vikram's doing. He spoiled her mind. But how?

He tried carrying her up but I stopped him.

"What do you think you are doing?"

"Taking her away." He replied with all boldness.

"To where?"

"Far from you." He punched me back, I used my head to hit the hard ground. No he can't take her.

I stood up quickly and with every power I had, I gave him a comeback punch but I missed. He was quick, he jumped on me and and continuously punched me.

He finally got tired but am sure my face will never look the same again.

"You fool, we should be getting her treated instead of fighting."

"Not until I kill you." He started strangling me until I couldn't breathe.

Help! I cried for Vihaan to come with the soldiers but it seems that am getting out of this one on my own.

Then I heard a faint cough coming behind him. His grip loosen.

I coughed out loud and rushed in air like they were all running away.

He left me and carried Manu up.

"We shall finish this another time."

"You are not taking her anywhere. Vihaan!" Vihaan and the soldiers came running few seconds after with their torches. "You can't escape, hand over my wife and surrender."

"Your wife?" Vihaan asked, his voice was neutral, he didn't sound shocked or like he expected it.

"Manu isn't dead, he took her." I answered either ways.

"She's bleeding, we need to get her treated or she'll die." Vihaanpointed to the pool of blood her wound has made.

"Listen to him, Arnav, he's thinking straight. She's losing alot of blood Arnav." Vikram's cocky voice came.

"Let Manu go! Vihaan what are you waiting for? Get him!"

They attacked immediately, dropping their torches on the ground but were surprisingly attacked by some group of men. They protected Vikram, blocking anyone from reaching him.

But I need to get Manu from him.

With the little light I got from the fallen torches and the moons, I saw every step Vikram took backwards, my heart broke. Will he just take her from me again?

My soldiers are useless, they can't even defeat his men.

Vikram turned back, ready to take off before it dawned on me.

"Vikram!" I shouted out to him. He turned back to me, waiting for what I wanted to say but it should be what I wanted to do.

My knee shook as it gradually hit the floor.

After the pain I experienced when thinking I lost Manu, I will willingly lose all my dignity just to save her.

"Vikram please. She's going to die." I pointed out the trail  Manu's blood made as I felt a tear escape. "She's dying and there's no time. No doctor in the village is better than the royal doctor. Please Vikram. I will give you the kingdom anything you want but please, just let me save Manu."


Is my story that great that everyone is speechless to not even comment? 😁

No? Then why don't you tell me? Please please please please please please please please please, let me know if you are enjoying it or not my comment, I love reading comments, really.

Oh and don't forget to vote 😁 thanks for reading.

With lots of love ❤️


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