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"Arnav how's your shoulder?" I asked Arnav. We were in the palace library to get information.

"It's fine." He didn't look happy and talking about his health or anything else was not what he wanted to do.

He remained silent and everywhere was awkward for me and never once glancing at me making it impossible to see his Amber brown eyes.

"The flower's roots is the medicine according to the doctor, it helps heal lots of illness but it's name is what I don't know." I explained to him.

"Then let's call for the royal doctor." He turned to face the entrance of the library and also were his Entourage stayed. "Advik!"

"Yes, your majesty." The man came running in.

"Get the royal doctor."

"Yes, Your majesty." He said and then left.

Arnav didn't speak a word to me again and I feel very sad. Arnav is upset with me again.

After few minutes, Vihaan came in and he looks very troubled.

"What is it Vihaan?" Arnav asked, he was as worried as I was.

"Anika's mother is dead." He announced.

"What!" We both shouted. What have they done to the poor woman.


We followed Vihaan to the servants quarters. Anika's mother's room was at the middle of the hall, the room was just like the one I spelt in before.

Anika's mother appears to be asleep. She was down in the mat facing the wall.

We walked up to her and Arnav felt her pulse.

"She's dead."

Queen Adhira is really crossing all limits.

"You see why you needed to marry me?" He suddenly turned to me and he appears to be very angry. Well so am I "It was to protect you from ending like this." He pointed to Anika's mother.

"The traitor is in this palace Arnav!"

"But that doesn't mean it's my mother!" He Defended.

Am sure without any more proof other than my words, Arnav has no plans on believing me.

"We could have gotten more information from her." Vihaan interrupted.

"Has there been any developments in that assassin we captured?" Arnav asked Vihaan.

"He committed suicide."

"What?" We both shouted. Everything is going wrong.

"That traitor must be really powerful!" I yelled looking at Arnav.

"And dangerous!" Arnav yelled back glaring at me in the eyes.

We remained there and we didn't even know when Advik had come and deliver his message.

"Arnav, the royal doctor is here." Vihaan announced bringing us back and stopping us from our continuous glare.

What's happening between me and Arnav? Fighting with him all the time is continuously breaking my heart.

We went to Arnav's bed chamber, it was at the eest wing in the palace, so it wasn't far.

"Greetings Iyan." I greeted him. I still remember how he helped me when I needed one.

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