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I set off immediately to where he instructed me.

I found an advanced man there, he too had that scar. he lived with his family.

"I've got a message from your leader, he said to give this to you." I brought my hand forward, he looked at me and then my hand then shook his head. "I retired, I don't do this job anymore. He promised me."

"But we really need your help."

"No." He said with finality, "you may take your leave."

"Do you know who you're speaking to?!" I yelled at him. "I am...."

"Queen Manikarnika." He said instead. "I don't care."

I looked over at where his wife and children were, they are so happy together and am sure he wouldn't want to leave this.

"You've got a lovely family."

"Don't think about threatening me with my family." I suddenly brought out a knife he's been hiding.

My heart raised.
"No am not like that believe me. I don't want to threaten you with your family, am only admiring them. There so happy together and I actually wish that just one day I'll be in a family like that." I felt the tear rolling down my cheeks. How I'll give anything to be part of a family like that.

He returned his knife.

"You know there's war today right because on my way I found Bahlika very quiet." He nodded. "King Arnav don't have many loyal soldiers, he can get killed and this kingdom will lose her king and another king will rule, a wicked one because you see this all there plan but it can't happen because because because." I sobbed. "Because everything will go wrong and your family, they won't...."

"It's okay." He interrupted. "I know it all. I'll go but not for this kingdom or her king but for my family." He took the letter from my hand.

"Thank you."


I did not return back but instead I went to the palace. I need to get Arnav to safety as well and am the only one that can do that. I won't sit and wait.

On my way, I saw king Singh and his army marching straight to the palace. They armed their selves with gun.

Arriving at the palace gate, it was locked in. I immediately remembered the other way in through the back gate so I went there and got in.

Everywhere was silent, like nobody lived here.

"Manu?" I heard my name being called. I looked up and saw Arnav up in palace. Looking closer, I saw soldiers hiding there with their bow and arrow, ready to shoot.

"Arnav!" He gestured for me to climb up which I did. "Arnav." I went and hugged him. "You are not safe here. Let's go, I've sent for more soldiers to help fight them but you need to be safe."

"Manu are you okay?" He ignored all I said.

"Am fine Arnav! But you need to be safe. King Singh, he's coming here armed with gun too."

"I have to set matters straight Manu, he believes I killed his daughter but it was actually Vihaan. You know Vihaan? The man that...."

"I know Vihaan Arnav, I've gotten my memory back." I freed myself from his hold. "I remember even what you did."

"Am sorry Manu, I will never commit such a mistake again. I promise. It's just that I was getting tired."

"Listen Arnav, this is not the time. But I need did to clear this, king Singh is apart of vihaan's and his daughter conspiracy. He's the one who involved his daughter even and am sure he knows you're not the real killer but his ambition is getting the better of him."

Queen ManikarnikaWhere stories live. Discover now