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There was an old man, sitting on a mat at the right side of the hut. Queen Adhira had entered and stood right in front of him.
"Your majesty, what do I owe this visit?" The man asked with a sour voice, clearly he's in his late seventies. White hair has completely taken over his head, he looks wrenched and he had an ugly scar that's shape like a flower.

"You old fool! I thought you were professionals and the best, how come my stupid daughter in-law isn't dead even after the plots, even at the wedding and even has a lead that am behind her attempted murder."

"She's a lucky child, God must be protecting her." He coughed a bit and then cleared his throat.

"Shut up! You gave me your word when I first came here to you."

"And you still have it, she will die no matter what."

"Good, that's what I want to hear after all am paying you well but only the Lord knows where all the money goes to."

There was a pot and cup nearby, he took some water from the pot and drank.

"That doesn't matter and I believe you haven't just come here to complain."

"Yes I've got another job for you, my stupid step son from that wrenched woman needs to die. Trace him down and kill him. His gang and him likes wearing red so it won't be difficult for you to identify him."

"Both shall be done immediately." He coughed again, he's voice was slowly going down.

"I understand that those scars are to stay but tell your men to cover up their scars, it's leaving clues."

"Very well."




Am so sorry!!!

Why am I sorry?

Well there's a lot of mistakes and you might not be enjoying my story 😭

And another thing!

I realized that I've been cutting some parts 😱😱😱

And that means you'll have to go back and read those parts after am done with the story and editing it!

That's going to be lots of work right?

Well sorry for all the inconveniences in this story but am sorry that's what you'll have to do 😔😔😔

But all will be worth it 😁

So please don't give up now 🙏

Continue reading to the end😊💖

With lots of love,


Queen ManikarnikaWhere stories live. Discover now