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"You want justice when you can't even stay here at the palace. How are you going to seek justice then?" Arnav was completely pissed with me.

If I have to stay to find the murder of my father and bring them to justice for my father then I'll stay.

"I'll marry you Arnav and this time I won't change my mind." I said.

"In that case, we'll get married tomorrow so you'll won't change your mind."

"Fine by me, Arnav."

Arnav pissed expression softened and then he walked to me,

"Manu you know I am doing this only to protect you."

"I know Arnav. But Everything is complicated now because before we were finding just one traitor now two culprits and I have a feeling that the person trying to kill me is one and the same with the person who killed father." Before I could conclude, Arnav expression had already changed to a confused one.

"What do you mean we are looking for two culprits?"

"Because the first assassins had this flower scar on their face but the ones that attacked me in the training yard didn't have any."

I watched as all the colors in Arnav face drain.

Am I really the cause of your worries Arnav?

"You yo..u you can't be sure of that." He stuttered.

"Yes Arnav, am very sure. The assassin you locked up had one as well as the ones that attacked me at the forest but the ones of today had non." Arnav only stared blankly at me. "Even that's why I went to the forest. It because of those flowers. Actually there roots are medicine and my heart just told me to get them." I continued to explain but nothing came from Arnav, then Vihaan kicked him on his side with his feet which made Arnav to return back to us.

"Arnav are you okay?" I asked.

"No. Am not, I need rest, I'll just go to my chamber and prepare for tomorrow there."

But tommorow is too soon. What about the guest and the priest. It can't be done. I'll have to convince him other wise.

"Are you sure it's tommorow? Why not the next day after it." I asked.

"No it's tommorow so get ready." He ordered and then handed me the torch before leaving. Vihaan followed behind.


I walked out on Manu so she won't have the chance to change her mind especially before she finds out.

I went back to my chamber and got out a bag of gold from my shelf and handed it to Vihaan who had been following me all these time.

"Here, give him and tell him he never knew me. Tell him to shut up. Tell them all to shut up." I ordered him.

"Yes your majesty but what about what we learned from Princess Manikarnika today? What you did is already haunting you. She already knows that they are not the same attackers as before."

"How could I have missed that?" I yelled and threw away every thing in the shelf.

"What will you do now?"

"Marry her as planned before she finds out, she'll already be married to me and protected."

"She'll never forgive you if she finds out."

"You can't say that, she had a change of heart these few days." I tried defending Manu.

"But you your self had said you were wrong which is why you did this in the first place."

"I can't do this Vihaan. Just go and give them the money." I ordered and then he left but not before shaking his head disapprovingly.

I very well know what I did is wrong and if Manu finds out she'll be very angry but I had to.

Now I have to prepare for our wedding tomorrow.

"Advik!" I yelled then a fat tall male servant came in while bowing.

"Yes, your majesty."

"Advik I want you to tell the priest to prepare for me and princess Manikarnika's wedding tomorrow. Hurry!" I ordered.

"Yes, your majesty." With that, he went running to full fill the task but that's not all that's required.

"Saanvi!" I called.

A female servant came in.

"Yes your majesty." She said whilst bowing.

"I need you to get the wedding organizer here. Now!" With that, she left running.

I left my chamber and went to the festive hall.

I was greeted by the two guards there but I paid no attention to them. I just went into the hall.

This is where I married Amoli but tomorrow I'll be marrying Manu, I'll have to make everything perfect just in my dreams.

"Your majesty, here's the royal organizer." I turned to see saanvi speaking to me and besides her was Brianna the royal organizer.

"Your majesty?" She bowed.

I nod at her and then turned to saanvi, "I need you to get men for the job. Hurry." I sent her away.

She left immediately leaving me alone with Brianna.

"Brianna, I want the best wedding ever for a woman. Make it special." I said.

"Is it with princess Manikarnika?" I nodded. "Then I'll make it extremely special." She winked at me and then headed closer inside.

"The mandapa will be placed in the middle." She started to say but then suddenly turned to me.
"But Arnav, isn't this too sudden? What about the other rituals before the wedding? There's no bridal shower." She suddenly turned to me and said.

"Just prepare for the wedding Brianna." I don't care if it's rushed just that I finally marry Manu.


I stayed and watched as Brianna ordered and placed everything in their place for the wedding. The hall looks beautiful and it's much better than Amoli's wedding with me.

"Arnav what's this I hear that you are preparing for the wedding?" My mother and Amoli behind her dashed in.

"Mother we had a deal." I stated.

"This is too sudden and you didn't tell anyone. Who will you invite and come here? Postpone it Arnav." She plead but no way I'll do that.

"Mother it doesn't matter if nobody shows up, infact that's what I want, that nobody shows up so there won't be any attempt on Manikarnika's life."

"Arnav! What about the pre marriage rituals?"

"Mother I don't care about them and we had a deal so please leave so I'll supervise." I waved her off but she didn't leave. I rolled my eyes waiting for another sermon or so but instead Vihaan showed up and whispered into my ears.

Thank god, for I'll be able to escape because I've got some urgent work as the new king of BAHLIKA KINGDOM.

After signing and giving my agreement papers of my partnership with king Singh to Vihaan, I had one more job for him.

"Vihaan I need you to do an extra task for me."

"What is it Arnav?"

"I assigned guards to watch over Manu, I need you to check if any has the flower scar."

Thanks guys, thanks for the read so far.

I know we all want them to just get married already because it's what they have been talking about since chapter one so I promise they'll get married at chapter twenty. That's the next chapter.

Stay safe guys.

Oh and before I forget, please please please please please please please vote. Just click on the star and that's it.

Love you all 💖💖💖


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