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I opened my eyes and found out that every I was is not familiar at all. It's neither the palace or Vikram's home.

Everything flashed into my memory at once, I remembered who I am but now, where am I?

I stood up from the bed and made for the door when an old man came in.

He had the blue lobelia flower scar, that means the must be one of them.

"What do you want?" I shouted. "Want to finish the job? The one who hired you doesn't want me dead anymore."

"Calm down child. If I wanted to kill you then I would have done that a long time ago while you're still asleep. I had much time to do it." The man replied. His voice was weary.

"What do you mean?"

"You've been asleep for two days now."

"What!" I felt dizzy immediately. My grumbling stomach will answer any question asking why I felt dizzy.

"Yes it's true." Queen Adhira's said appearing beside him. Let's just eat so you'll get your strength back." She was carrying food with her.

She walked inside and placed the food on the ground. "Come on." But my mind was not interested even though my stomach argued.

"Where's Arnav? Where is this place? How's Arnav?"

"Actually I have something to say but I won't until you eat something."

"Just tell me."

"You can't force it out of my mouth can you?" I just stared at him, he shook his head. "No you can't."

I went to where Queen Adhira sat and sat opposite her.

"Do you have any news about Arnav?" I asked.

"So you've gotten your memory, that's good." She said while eating. "Eat."

"Am not hungry." I replied even though the dizziness is back again.

"Manikarnika," she placed her hand on mine. "I know you can't and shouldn't trust me because of all I've done but I'll ask you to trust me only this once."


"Because I'll need a favor and you can't do it like this." I rolled my eyes.

"You want me to eat because you need a favor." I repeated.

"Yes. Exactly." Something in me just told me to obey her so I ate. "What was Vihaan talking about?" I asked out of the blue.

She sighed. "He's talking about an old secret but that's not important now."

"How can you say it's not important, he kidnapped us because of that, he...."

"And I'll tell you but not now, you need to do something first." Queen Adhira cut short my rants. At least this time she plans on telling me.

"So like I said," the man began, he was standing close to the door. Hands crossed. "You need to do something."

"What's that?"

"Back in Bahlika, I've got a messenger. He's living at the other side of mount garnish in a humble hut." He walked over to me and put something in my hand. "Give this letter to him, he'll know where to send it and why." He finished.

"Why?" I asked immediately.

"To ask for more soldiers for your husband. Just half of his soldiers are loyal to him and that is no go at all." He replied but it only confuses me more.

"Wait you're confusing me and scaring me, what's happening?"

"King Singh has declared war for bahlika because he claims Arnav killed his daughter, not waiting for her to be judged when he declared her a traitor."

"But she really is a traitor, she tried to kill me and her father is helping them." I declared myself but it seems they both knew.

"I believe Vihaan and Vikram betrayed him and lied to him that Arnav did it to cause a war." Queen Adhira said. "I believe Vikram had no plans on marrying His daughter in the first place."

"Vihaan and Vikram, you both dared to do this to our mother land? You'll both pay."

"Which is why you should leave now and after that, come back immediately." He instructed and I nodded but actually I have other plans.

The man brought a horse for me, he said she's very fast and will help a lot in the journey.

I hopped on, ready to leave but then he came to me again.

"Hurry and let nothing distract you."

"I won't." I assured.

"Make sure you return immediately after delivering the message."

"Okay." I smiled at him. "Thank you for helping even with all we had done."

"Actually I should apologize because I tried to kill you but let's leave that for later. When all this is over, I would like to tell you something about yourself."


That's it for this chapter.
Please tell me what you think.

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