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I walked slowly, not knowing where my legs were taking me but my legs did know.

The village was a very beautiful one, I wonder why Vikram never let me see it. Because he's hiding something.

As I walked, I found some beggars on my way, they looked unkept. My mind immediately took me to what Sir Acash had told me.

'this kingdom is facing a tough time and the king isn't doing anything.'

My legs became more determined to move faster, I walked or almost ran to where ever while holding what I've purchased in my hand, forgetting about the rest.

There I was, standing few meters away from it. It was huge, it will house everyone in the village and still have room left. I think it can.

How I know where the palace is, is a mystery to me but I felt like I knew the place and I wanted to go in. I've been longing for the place?

Whatever, am going in.

I was suddenly pulled back and before I could process anything, my face was covered up and I felt myselfbeing raised up and then my butt was facing up and my stomach, resting on someone's shoulder, I felt a hand rest on my back.

I tried struggling but it only made his grip on me to be tighter.

We moved forward, my groceries no more in my hand.


I felt myself being layed down and then my body met with something soft.

I touched it and felt it was a bed and just that moment, my face was opened and it met with the sudden light as my eyes has been covered for long.

When I recovered my sight fully, I saw Vikram glaring at me.

"What were you doing there?!" He shouted. He looked furious, something I've never witnessed.


"Answer me." He calmed down.

"I went to buy groceries."

"From the palace?"

"No from the market."

"Then why were you going there?"

"Or why did you kidnap me?"

"I brought you home." He sat with me.


"What are you talking about?"

"Am I really your sister?" He was shocked with the question I asked. He didn't say anything but just starred at me.

"Yes." He finally said.

"Then why are you lying to me?" I stressed out.

"Am not...." He paused and observed me, trying to see my expression properly but I gave him a plain face. "Why do you think that?"

"Vikram, I've been having this same dream over and over again for months now." I started explaining. "And it tells me lots of things to know that you are lying to me." He remained silent.

"My name isn't maha Laxmi but Manikarnika isn't it?"

He gave me a cheesy smile and hold my hands.
"No. Like you said, it's just a dream."

His attitude changed.
"What do you want? Aren't you not happy here? With me? Have I treated you wrong?"

"No Vikram."

"Then what do you want?" He came closer.

"I want the truth. Am no fool and I definitely know things aren't right like the people you use to wash over the house." he was shocked with my revelation. "Yeah I know about them. Don't think I don't notice them."

"Those fools." He muttered underneath his breath.

"Vikram you are hiding my identity from me."

"Because you'll leave me."

"No I won't." I touched his face and caressed it a bit. "I promise."

"You don't know what you are saying that's why."

"Because you are a criminal." he was taken aback again with what I said. "I saw the posters. That king Arnav, is he the one you are talking about?"

"This is why I don't want you leaving alone." He whispered but I got it.
"Maha, stop trying. You're so stubborn."

"Is he my husband?" He sighed. He was getting impatient.

"My dream, some one says he loves me, did we get married?"


"This marriage necklace isn't mother's but mine. When l woke up the first time here, I found little sidoor on my hair. Am married Vikram." He stood up and walked to the door without saying anything.

"I have a feeling you want to keep me here and don't want me to get better." Then he gave a glance and walked out.

"Ever since the first day when you brought the doctor, he never returned. so I won't recover my memory right?" I shouted after him, he shut the door behind him.

I ran and try opening it but to no avail.



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With love 💖

Anita 💞💃

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