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I stood just in front of the huge ship, starring at it. This is my first time seeing one and it's so beautiful and huge. 

Any moment from now, am expected to get in but not before I say good bye to Arnav.

"Am here." Arnav said behind me.

He walked in front of me and took my hand then we climbed inside the ship together.

I saw the sea, it was daring me. It looked so murderous. My feet started shivering.

"Don't look at it." Arnav told me when he realized I was getting afraid.

"Don't worry Arnav, am not afraid of it anymore. We have settled our differences." I laughed.

"I Wish I could come with you."

"Me too but Bahlika needs her king and you still have many making up to do, while I have to know who I am and at the same time bring progress to our land." The old man, Avi, told me everything he knows about where I came from.

Mother, Queen Pohti, found me lying at the shore of the sea. I was crying but she doesn't know where I come from.

Avi believes that if I leave Bahlika, I might be able to know my true identity.  So here I am, in the huge ship, leaving Bahlika.

I'll be traveling with the britishers to their land. I've heard they've made lots of progress and I can't wait to bring it to India.

We have been trading with them, they know our land but we don't no theirs so this is a good opportunity to see for myself.

After Queen Adhira was sent back to exile because of her crimes and Avi, in prison together with Vikram who thankfully surrendered, after all the drama, having a peaceful life was actually boring to me all of a sudden and leaving Bahlika is adventurous for me.

"We will meet again Manu. Right?" Arnav asked.

"Of course we will." The next thing I felt on my lips completely made me frozen.


Thank ya all for reading.

Though this is the end of Queen Manikarnika but there's a sequel coming up. There's lots of things that needs explanation to and we didn't know a thing about Manu's life.

Well the sequel is mostly about Manu's life and her sisters.

There will be knew characters and more action, I can't wait!

This is my very first accomplishment on Wattpad so am grateful for you finding time to read it.

Just in case you don't believe me then go to my profile and see, oh and click follow, it's really important 😎

Thanks ❤️


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