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"Pooja, just look at her." I pointed to princess Amoli but as of this moment; Queen Amoli. "she's very beautiful and happy. I want to be in her place but I shouldn't." Pooja had followed me ever since and now that she knows my feelings, I feel like I can trust and tell her anything.

"She's just happy to be married to king Arnav."

"Why do I feel this way?" I turned to her. She's the only one that knows my feelings and I intend to keep it a secret. "Pooja you shall never tell anyone of what you learned. Swear it."

"Yes, your highness." She bowed.

After her assurance, I looked back at the new couple trying their marriage knot. Arnav doesn't seem to be that happy but who would be when marrying princess Amoli.

I kept looking at them before my eyes went to another Amber brown eyes owner. Queen Adhira.

She glared at me and I did in return but I don't have the time for such games so without being told, I left.


All day l've been going around non stop and thinking about my situation.

Now I can't marry Arnav not because of lack of trust but because of love.

Mother and father will be so disappointed in me if they were alive today. Am such a shameful person, I have been and still is.

I walked slowly back to my court and pooja walked behind me.

"Manu?" I heard a voice say behind me. A voice that am so fond of. I voice I want to hear but don't.

I turned immediately.


"Manu what are you doing here? I thought you say you weren't feeling well." He asked while frowning.

"Just wanted to get a little fresh air." I lied again.

"Manu tell me, are you sick?" He walked closer and held my hands."is anything wrong?" Butterflies couldn't stop fighting in my stomach. I have to get away from this man.

"Arnav am fine and besides you can't be worried about me now, go to your wife. She will be waiting for you. Today is your marriage night."

"But Manu, your health comes first." With that he hugged me and I felt so warm in there and protected. I didn't even know when I hugged him back but I did and I wished never to leave his embrace but no, this can't happen.

I quickly pulled away.

"Arnav go to Amoli, she's waiting for you." I said coldly and walked away.

The tears I've been holding and didn't realized it, rolled out. I feel hurt that he married Amoli and that too before me when we already had an agreement. I feel very lonely.

At this time, pooja is no longer with me. I don't know where she went or why she left but she's not what worries me at the moment.

I sat down close to the wall as I can not walk any longer. I let all the tears I've been keeping out.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and when I looked up, I saw Arnav again.

So he really doesn't want to leave me be.

"Manu please tell me what's wrong." He had concern on his eyes and it breaks my heart to know that am the cause of it.

"Nothing Arnav. Am okay." I sobbed.

"Manu are you missing father again?" He sat down beside me.

"Arnav what are you doing? You are a king now."

"That doesn't matter Manu. What matters is why are you crying." I immediately wiped my tears.

"I have told you Arnav, nothing. You have a wife waiting for you, go to her and leave me be." With that, I stood up and walked to my court.

Sorry Arnav for being this cold to you but I have to.

Now I have to think of a way to tell you that am no longer marrying you.



King Arnav pranav jai and Queen Amoli were holding hands. They were happy and were so much in love. They wore their marriage attire and the knot bonding them together.

Slowly, princess Manikarnika walked to the hall in which the wedding took place and found them engrossed with each other.

"No!" She yelled.

Every attention was on her as she panted and cried.

"What is it Manu?" Arnav asked.

"I love you." She screamed but all Arnav could do was to shake his head.

"You are shameless Manu, I only want to help you but you have crossed all limits by falling in love with me. Now you can't stay in the palace anymore. Leave." He yelled and only caused more pain to Manu and just that moment, the waters came.

Manu struggled to stay up but the water only went higher and higher and she was drowning.


Help!!! I yelled waking up.

"Manu am here." Arnav said and hugged.

He's here, thankfully.

"Arnav I don't want to drown." I cried on him.

"It's okay, nothing is going to happen to you. Am here now." He said while patting my back.

Thank God he's here. I feel safe now but what I dreamt came back to me and remined me that I should stay away if I don't want Arnav to hate me like the way he did in the dream.

This dream is warning me and I'll take the warning. If only it didn't end with me drowning again for the millionth time.

"You can sleep back; don't worry, am here with you." He said softly making my heart raise.

No, No, no, no. This can't happen.

"Arnav stop." I pulled away.

"What is it Manu?" He asked as he furrowed his brow in confusion.

"What are you doing here, Arnav?"

"I heard you screaming from my sleep again so I came here." He smiled at me, making me flushed but I quickly regained myself.

"Arnav I don't need you to come here every single time I have a bad dream." I pointed at the exit of my chamber. "Leave and go back to your wife now."

"Manu, why are you being cold towards me?" He asked confused.

"Just go Arnav I want to sleep."
I said and layed back on my bed turning against Arnav.

"Your majesty, let's go. She doesn't need you."



Queen ManikarnikaWhere stories live. Discover now