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"You will Marry me?" Arnav was a bit surprised.

"Yes Arnav."I replied.

"Manu are you serious?" He still can't believe I agreed. Neither can I.

"Yes Arnav. You are helping me so why won't I help as well."
He's face held disappointment for a moment before he masked it with a satisfied one.

Did I say anything wrong?

"My coronation is tomorrow. The next day we'll prepare for the wedding but it has to be soon as possible." I only nodded. "Manu, I had promised father I would take care of you and I'll do so." He placed his hands on my hands and caressed them softly.

"Don't worry Arnav, I have placed my trust in you. You are a good brother."

He shook his head and let out a small laugh.
"Okay don't flatter me. Let me speak to mother about the wedding."

Just then I remembered that Queen Adhira had always hated me and am sure her hatred isn't gone yet.

"Arnav she'll never accept this marriage." I stated.

"Just leave it to me."
I nodded and he stood up. "I am happy that you are finally placing your trust on me. I promise I will not let you down." He ruffled my hair before leaving.

Butterflies were all over my stomach. I have never felt like this before, I don't even know what am feeling but seeing him leave just wants to make me call him back. I don't understand this new feeling.

I am going crazy.

"Arun?" One thing that always helps me to take my mind off things is archery. Maybe if I challenge myself I'll be able to think well.

"Yes, your highness." A man rushed in. He kept his head low.

"Bring me my bow and arrows." I ordered.

"Yes your highness." He left and came back after five minutes.

"Here it is your highness." He handed it over to me.

"Thank you Arun. You may go."
With that he left.

Through my balcony, I went to the garden.

This garden is just breath taking and it's beauty always capture anyone but now I don't feel like admiring it.

I said I want to think straight but actually what I want is to get Arnav face from my eyes. He's gone a long time but he's face keeps coming to my mind; he's laugh and smirk but especially his Amber brown eyes.

It's a shame Queen Adhira got those eyes as well and am admiring them. Disgusting, it makes me hate myself.

I kept shooting and shooting my target but I always miss before I finally give up.

Arnav please leave me alone.



After my conversation with manu, I went to my mother's chamber. She had always known my feelings but she never accepted them.

"No you can't marry her." She yelled when I disclose my plans with her.

"You are not stopping me mother and you know you that." No matter the strategy this woman comes up with, I'll still Marry manu.
Just then a voice came.

"Your highness, Vihaan would like permission to enter."

"Let him in." I ordered.

Vihaan came in and bowed down before us, after he spoke but keeping his head low.

Queen ManikarnikaWhere stories live. Discover now