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"Vikram!" I heard myself say. I opened my eyes but flinched to the sudden light.

"Manu are you okay?" I heard someone say beside me. I turned to see a pair of Amber brown eyes, it was very worried and beautiful. I couldn't help starring, it was like, I've longed for it.

"Manu?" He repeated. My eyes finally went down, I found myself starring at the most handsome man I've ever seen and that's not an understatement as I've only been with Vikram and Acash.

He was calling me Manu, how come he's calling me that?

"Manu are you okay? Please tell me." He was sitting beside the bed and I think slept he slept there as well. He climbed on the bed and shook my hand. "What happened? The waters again?"

"How....?" I stuttered, all the dreams I have always ends with me drowning but who come he knows that. "Who are you?"

He was perplexed by my question, "what do you mean?"

"I don't know you sir, I don't remember my past sir." I answered even though he totally ignored my question. "What happened?"

"Manu, it's me Arnav. What happened to you?" He sounded agitated. And I can't help myself but think he is just adorable but I need to focus and not go blank again.

"Arnav? The one Vikram warned me about that's ruining our family?" It was more of me asking him than telling him. Why can't I stop looking at his eyes and stop feeling this careful. I sat up straighter and hoped I don't look like the usual mess I always looked.

"No Manu, he's the one ruining our family, am your husband." He explained trying hard to convince me but why's he that desperate for me to believe.

I knew I was married to Arnav but what's the story behind their feud that Vikram has been making me hate my own husband.

"What..." I began but stopped when I felt my stomach quarrel with me. Oh I haven't eaten since yesterday's afternoon.

It seems that Arnav understood.
"Are you hungry?" I nodded. "Wait here, I'll have them prepare your favorite food." He said with all excitement. I couldn't contain my amusement and laughed.

He seemed very pleased seeing me happy, he drew closer every second and my heart beat accelerated. I become very conscious of myself.

He gave me a breathe taking smile that I felt my heart melt and my air supply cut short.

He shifted back some strands of hair back, my eyes followed his hands and when it got back to him, his face was just a nose away.

I closed my eyes shut, waiting for what he wanted to do, I didn't feel the need to protect myself and the continuous beating of my heart stopped. It was all calm.

I heard my stomach grumbled again. I had forgotten all about it.

"Sorry Manu. Let me get you something to eat." He backed away. My heart dropped.

I felt strange, if felt younger, I don't understand what am feeling.


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