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It's been a day since Arnav left and tommorow is holy.  Arnav will be returning today.

Staying a day without seeing him felt like years and am so happy to know he'll be coming today. Any moment from now.

Amoli has left me alone, not knowing why but am glad but I hope Arnav didn't say anything to her. That day he scared he with his attitude. He really seem like a devil.

But a handsome one.

I smiled to myself. No stop it.

I have to get Arnav out of my head, at least for a moment and think. I need to help Arnav and find who killed father and who's trying to kill me as well so I won't be a burden anymore.

Arnav had said that it was only the royal family that visited which means, it's either one of us that wants him dead or the assassins are good at sneaking in.

Speaking about sneaky, it only made me remember about Amoli. Amoli is a witch for trying to frame me like that. It's good Arnav had told me and I want to change, if not, she would have gotten worst than what she's doing to me.

Amoli is no where close to being wicked compared to what Queen Adhira has been doing to me ever since I was little and that time when she threatened me to leave or else I'll regret it.

Queen Adhira tried to poison me!

It all make sense. I never trusted that witch in the first place but now this? She'll get it from me.

I stormed out of my court and into hers, I waited to be announced because there's no way the guards will let me in if Queen Adhira didn't permit it.

"Your highness, Queen Manikarnika ask permission to enter." The announcer announced with his high pitched voice.

"Tell her to leave immediately." Came Queen Adhira's voice.

"Why Adhira? Afraid I'll expose you to everyone that you tried to poison me!" I yelled on top of my voice. "Come out!"

Queen Adhira stormed out and we looked at each other, eye ball to eye ball.

"Have you gone mad?" She yelled.

"I know what you did. For years you mistreated me and my mother for no reason and now you try to kill me? You have gone too far." I placed my hand on my chest while speaking.

"Shut up! How dare you accuse me of such a thing." We both spoke in high tones. In other words, we yelled.

"How can I not when the evidence is laughing at my face. You threatened me before Arnav's first coronation and then when Arnav drank the poison, he got well the next day. Why? I'll tell you. Maybe because his mother wanted me dead not her son."

She pointed her index finger at me. "You are very stupid, That's no proof. What will you do?"

"I'll tell Arnav everything." I stated.

She looked at me for a while and then laughed.

"You think Arnav will accuse his own mother by believing you instead of his me? You really are foolish. What makes you think you're so special and that I'll waste my time on you."

She's right, what if Arnav doesn't believe me. I have no proof.

"god is my witness even though I have non and he will expose your plot, you and your Conspirators."

She walked closer to me, we were just few metres away from each other. We were both at the same height and if any of us was taller then I was. Just a little.

Queen ManikarnikaWhere stories live. Discover now