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It took us the rest of the night to finally get to where Aesha's chariot was ambushed.

On our way, we encountered some bandits but they ran away because we were more because this time I came prepared for any kind of surprise attack.

Aesha's chariot was completely vandalized and valuable things they brought along was stolen which makes me to wonder if it was Vikram or thugs? But if it's really Vikram then he will pay dearly for the death of my cousin and her family. My heart shattered when I imagine the horrible death Alisha could have passed through before dying, her stomach was split open and seeing it made my stomach upset.

"He's going to pay." I yelled.

Vihaan was beside me, he placed his hand on my shoulder and consoled me.

"You can't be too sure it's him." He said, Knowing who I meant.

"Then it better not be him if not he's going to regret ever thinking about hurting them." I turned to my men, "check around for anyone." They dashed out into the forest searching. "Nothing your majesty." The commander said when they returned.

"Gather up your men and the bodies, we're returning."

The rage in me was so overwhelming, he better not think about hurting Manu and my mother or that will be the end of him. I wonder how Manu will take the news?

We hopped back on our horse while the bodies were placed in the chariot we brought along.

"Vihaan, when we arrive, I want you to send soldiers back here to spy and also mountain Shiva and catch any bandits around."

"Yes, your majesty."

Am tried of the secrets and I want them all to be out.
"And tell that informer that we'll meet tomorrow."

"Yes your majesty."


"Vihaan, have you done everything I ordered?" I was standing in the council hall.

"Yes but there's bad news." He replied.

"What is it?"

"Your wife is missing."

"Which one?"

"The stubborn one."

"What! How?"

"Nobody has seen her, they've been looking for her."

"That stubborn woman, does she want to get herself killed!" I dashed out of there and went straight to the stables.

"Kapur bring me my horse." I ordered and he went running.

I almost hopped on my horse when I sighted Manu coming to my direction slowly. Some guards ran to her but she payed no attention to them and kept eye contact with me and continued walking. She was acting strange. I ran towards her and the closer I got I found out she was tearing.

"Manu what happened?" She didn't say anything but glared at me, her eyes held not anger but disappointment and sadness. "What happened?" Could it be that she has already found out about Sameer, Aesha and Alisha's death?

"You are the worst human being ever!" She shouted. She dried up her eyes and continued glaring at me. "I won't waste my tears on you."

"Manu what do you mean?"

"You are an evil person, a demon! I was right all along not to trust you, now am in this cursed marriage."

"Manu please explain, you're confusing me Manu."

"Shut up! Shut up Arnav!" She shouted, she pointed her finger at me and furrowed her brows. "You sent the the assassins to frighten me so I'll have no other choice but to marry you Arnav!"

"Wh-ere-re did you her that?" I stuttered, how come she knows?

"Those idiotic men that you hired indirectly told me everything. I followed them and they didn't even know."

"Manu." I tried to reach for her but she stepped back.

"You even let me slap your mother because of what you did."

"No Manu, those blue lobelia assassins were not me I promise. The ones I hired were those who attacked you at the training yard."

"Really Arnav? Why did you do it?" Her hands had started shaking while her forest green eyes became dark and I could see another set of tears gathering up.

"Because you changed your mind again and I didn't know what to do. It was all I could think of Manu." I tried reaching for her again and this time she let me hold her. "Please Manu, I love you."

"How do you expect me to believe you again?" She pulled away, "I placed my trust in you and you broke it. Arnav it hurts and to think I actually...." She stopped and took a deep breath. "It was very irresponsible of you to hire assassin when you should be eliminating them all." She turned to leave but stopped again. "And how could your conscience take the sin you committed against me and act like nothing happened?"

"Manu I couldn't, believe me. It tormented me every single time but I did it for you and for your safety."

"No don't say that!" She turned back to me and pointed her finger at me again. "Don't you ever say that." She walked away and I tried calling out to her but she never once turned back.

Am so sorry Manu.

I didn't see Manu for the rest of the day, she didn't bother to see me again and I don't blame her. Why did it have to happen now when am finally feeling that she is returning my feelings and yesterday, even though I was drunk, I could clearly see it in her eyes.

god is punishing me.

Nevertheless, I have been going around trying to tighten the security after asking the doctor to take care of survivors and the dead ones, cleanse.

Now I have to inform my family the News, I can never escape that even though it will be difficult to pass that news.

"Advik." He came in while bowing his head, "yes, your majesty?"

"Call mother, Queen Amoli and Queen Manikarnika to meet me at the throne room."

"Yes, your majesty." He said and then left immediately.

I proceeded to the throne room to wait for them but all the while, Manu is the one occupying my thoughts. Even though I have to kneel down and beg her to forgive me, I'll do it so she doesn't ask for the divorce promised.


We are finally going somewhere!

Thanks for the reads guys!

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