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The wedding day!

Drumroll 🥁



It was a long preparation yesterday as we were in a hurry and everything has to be prepared in short notice but it was finally done though late at night but the thought of marrying Manu today kept me going.

I had already assigned five extra guards to Manu's court again and alot more here in the festive hall to ensure that Manu is safe.

Because of the info Manu told me about her assassins having flower scares, I made sure none of the assigned guards I assigned to her had none. Even though I made Vihaan do the job and I trust him but I inspected them again just to be sure.

Nothing can ruin this wedding today and as far as am alive, Manu will not be armed in any way.

We can't be without guest even though it's few at least there are some people witnessing our union so I sent invitation to my aunt's and cousins yesterday and thankful they were able to come; at least most.

Wedding is in process and I waited for Manu to arrive, the guards in assigned are not just to keep Manu safe but as well to ensure that she doesn't change her mind and escape.

Amoli and mother didn't show up.

Amoli must be jealous so I understand why she isn't here but why have mother not come? She has important role to play here in the marriage.

I know it's wrong to force Manu but I can't help it especially now that am looking into her forest green eyes that you'll get lost in.

I saw that she had dropped her hands besides her as the priest said the marriage chants. I don't know what moved me but I placed my hand on top of her and then held it; because of my physical contact to her, her body stiffened to my touch and then she removed her hand.

When will this woman learn to love me just the way I do or even a little.

Probably never after what you did.

Then I remembered what I did, I couldn't look Manu in the eyes again.

What have you done? Now your conscience will forever haunt you.


Through out the entire wedding I didn't even give a glance at Manu. Not even when I saw her smile at me.

She doesn't know a thing and if she finds out she'll be very disappointed in me.

I'll bring her shame.

The knot was tied which is her veil and and my sash. After we walked around the holy fire seven times while saying our seven marriage vows.

We did the talambralu(ritual of happiness) after I gave her the marriage necklace and then I
applied sindoor on her hair signifying that she's married.

We seek our elders blessings and then the dramatic vidaai tradition only it wasn't as tearful as Manu has no parent to leave behind.

Finally, the marriage is complete.

It's been a long day with all the activities done after the marriage.

Our relatives are friendly to Manu which made all the activities and jokes done after the marriage inescapable.

Am glad to see my relatives again after my coronation but most importantly, am glad to see Manu have fun but I avoid her eyes. I can't look at her in the eyes anymore and the part of today I dread the most is finally here. Our wedding night.

I slowly walked to our chamber, Manu had reached before me as Aesha, my eldest cousin sister had insisted on preparing Manu for our wedding night.

I entered and saw the whole room decorated with flowers and on top of our bed was decorated with rose petals formed into a big heart and inside our names were written. She was sitting at the middle of the bed.

Manu smiled at me but I still avoided her eyes.

"Just look at what Aesha has done, I told her not to but she was stubborn." She said jokingly. Why is she behaving friendly all of a sudden again after being cold to me.

I may understand anything or anyone but Manu.

"Yes." I said, I walked there, "move to the other side." She did and then I layed down at the left side and pretended to be asleep.

She's not the only one who can give a cold shoulder.

"Arnav?" Manu called out but I did not respond.

Sorry Manu.



Arnav kept tight security on me and also avoided me. I can't blame him for being angry as I caused it but why do I still want him to at least look at me. I long for him to call me 'Manu' again. Any time we spoke he always call me 'Manikarnika' and it pains me.

Am sorry Arnav.

After I found out that I loved Arnav and we got married, I always see him everywhere and every time my heart beats fast.

It's been a week since our marriage.

Aesha didn't go back to her place immediately and she stayed for a week. Her daughter, Alisha was going to stay behind with her uncle Arnav. She's just five.

I went with Aesha to the chariot prepared for her to return. Just then I saw Arnav come with the side of my eyes. I turned and saw him smiling at me.

He has finally forgiven me and looking at me.

My heart raised and butterflies were in my stomach. I couldn't help but smile back as he walked towards me. The sun shined on him making his skin shine brightly. His Amber brown eyes sparkled and I wish I could stare into them forever.

"Hi Arnav." I said as he approached me or so I thought. He walked passed me and hugged Aesha.

"Am sad to see you go Aesha." He said.

"I'll come visit soon don't worry." She assured him.

I couldn't keep the tears that gathered in my eyes so I just walked away.

Why are you doing this to me Arnav?


Finally they got married!

Arnav thought that he has saved Manu but this is just the beginning.

There's more conspiracy, plot and romance to come.

I hope you have included'QUEEN MANIKARNIKA' to your library because we are on a ride on emotions, adventures, conspiracy, action and romance in this thrilling series. 😁😁😁


Word count: 1073

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