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I've never been this happy to see him before but wait,

What is he doing here?

I quickly climbed down from the tree, I got a scratch from the branches while coming down but all my attention is on Boalin that I didn't notice.

"I try to protect you from danger by trying to keep you alive from poison but you go to the forest to be lunch for animals instead. No poison or animal will kill me," Boalin said pointing to the dead tiger laying lifelessly on the ground and then to me, "You. You will be the death of me." He finished, panting.

At this moment I don't know what am doing. I jumped on top of him which made him fall to the ground and I was on top. This man has been occupying my thoughts the entire day and here he is now, am starring at his beautiful Amber brown eyes that clearly held amusement and confusion. Oh what am I doing?

I quickly got off him and apologized.
"Am sorry."

There were three palace guards with him. They were all armed. The goddess answered my prayers and brought Arnav to save me.

"It's okay."he had a smirk on his face.
But I have to explain so he won't get any wrong ideas.
"You see I've been worried about you and I couldn't let you die, I needed to find an antidote so I came here looking for one. I am so glad to see that you are okay." That reminds me, how come he's okay.

"How come you're not dead?"
My question only made him laugh.

"You are asking me this only now? I must have made you seriously worried." He was clearly amused by my question, he just smiled and it seemed he was happy. I have never seen him this happy and cheerful before.
His Amber brown eyes sparkled making him cute, I now see why everyone loves his looks. It's because of his eyes.

I didn't know I was starring until Boalin cleared his throat and gaining my attention back.

"Well I don't know how come am alive as well."

"What do...." I was cut short by my growling stomach, it hurt badly so I supported it with my hand.

"We'll talk at the palace, let's go."


"How could you till bring that woman here after everything." Queen Adhira marched to my chamber, she was furious hearing I had returned again when we arrived at the palace.

"Mother I'll talk to you later." Boalin replied her.

"Now listen Boalin, as the queen mother I ordered that she be thrown out."

"Okay." Boalin stood up from by bed and walked over to his mother. "Throw her out but am warning you, this kingdom will be without a king."

"Boalin!" Queen Adhira yelled.

"Please mother just go to your court and I'll speak to you."

Queen Adhira dashed out of my chamber and me, the whole time, I didn't say anything.

"Fen," Boalin turned to me, "are you okay now." I was already given something to eat and I rested for some time.

I nodded.

"Feng, am sorry."

Why is he sorry?

"What is it Boalin?"

"I couldn't protect you and again you were kicked out and spent the night outside the palace."

"No Boalin, am the one who should be sorry. The bed was comfortable by the way." Boalin gave a small smile making his Amber brown eyes spark. It held concern for me ever since and I don't know why I hated him.

"Am glad."

While we're on that, how did he know the tea was poisoned.

"Boalin, How come you know the tea was poisoned?"

He Walked over to me and sat on the bed.

"Vihaan told me."


"He said he saw some suspicious men but he had to act discreetly so as not to disturb my coronation so he informed me to be careful." But that doesn't answer the question.

"Okay but how did you know it was poisoned?"

"Actually I didn't."


"When he told me, my immediate hunch was you."

"So you thought they would poison me?"

"I don't know if they poisoned your tea but Anika was acting strange so I thought that she poisoned the tea or she was threatened to do so."

Which reminds me, Anika betrayed me. That traitor.

"That traitor, we need to know who's behind all this once and for all. Let's interrogate that traitor."

"That's the first thing I went to do when we arrived but she's dead now."

"What happened?" He had a look and it tells me something has gone wrong.

"She was murdered. They split Her throat."

"No!" I screamed, even though Anika betrayed me, I till loved her, she was my only friend even though she was younger.

Thinking about it only disgusts me. Those animals.

"Keep Calm, Fen."

"Those animals! she's just a kid, how could they do such a thing."

"They are not humans Fen, which is why you need protection, more protection because they almost got to you."

"I understand." I said softly.

"You have said that before, you need to really understand the danger you'll face." He paused and sighed, "Just take what my mother did. You need the protection the palace will give you and if you're out, that will give them more chances."

"I understand Boalin." I said louder.

"If you get married to me, you'll be my queen and even though anything happens to me, you'll be safe and won't be kicked out since you have a relation with me." He explained. He looked serious and not going to accept any disobedience.

"Boalin, nothing will happen to you, swear it." Thinking that anything could happen to Boalin again sent a shiver. Nothing can happen to him.

"Are you concern?" He asked with a smug look but I know he's surprised I care. Even am surprised.

"Of course I am, you are my brother."

"Brother?" He had mixed feelings shown on his face.

"Yes and I understand you. Arnav I accept to marry you."



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