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"Arnav my son, what happened? I heard that Aesha's chariot was ambushed, what happened to them? Please tell me they are alive Arnav." Mother begged as soon as she came in, she tried to hold down her tears but little sobs Came out.

"Mother please wait for Manu and Amoli to come."

"Arnav please tell me, I can't wait any longer. What happened to my dear Aesha and Alisha." She finally let the tears go, I guess she already knows what happened but wants to hear it from me.

"Mother." I went and held her, "Please forgive me, I couldn't do anything as of that time, it was already late and they were dead. I couldn't save them from Vikram mother."

"Vikram?" She widen her eyes and then slowly her tearful eyes held anger. "Vikram?!" She repeated.

"Yes mother."

"That Vikram again? He's going to pay." She growled.

"If only you would just tell me who he is and why he's doing all this."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of this." Her eyes became dark.

"What will you do?" I asked. I am a little afraid to what she might do.

"Nothing. Forget it." She Walked out but what she said made me suspicious so I followed her to see what she plans on doing.

She went back to her court and changed her clothes to rags, it's a good thing I hadn't changed my clothes yet. I was wearing a regular plain beige sherwani with churidars under the amor.

Then she left the palace through a passage by the side of the back gate, it was made in case of emergency of an attack, we could escape without anyone knowing.

She went to the market and then straight ahead until she reached an old abandoned hut with no door, she entered inside while I stayed by the corner of it's entrance so I can be hidden and at the same time eavesdrop.

I heard their conversation but who was she talking to?

From the corner, I stretched my head out and tried to see inside but what I saw answered all of Manu's suspicions.

I waited for mother in the market, when she arrived, I grabbed her and pull her to a corner,

"So it is true!" I shouted on her face." You were the one who tried to kill Manu all this while."

"Arnav what are you talking about?" I could feel the fear in her eyes that I had found out.

"Shut up! I heard it all, I followed you mother, you are a disgrace." I spat and walked away while she called out to me but I never answered her.

I can't believe mother hates Manu to this extent that she would murder her, she didn't even do anything wrong to her, the dispute is between her and Queen Pohti, why involve Manu like this and hate her so much when she herself knows my feelings for her.

I went back to the palace, first it was Aesha's family death I have to deal with but now I have to deal with mother too.

I can never do anything to mother, I can't see her in harms way or suffering in the prison. It was just an attempt, she haven't kill Manu yet. I'll make her stop her madness, that will solve it.

Am sorry Manu but I have to commit another sin against you again.

"Arnav!" I heard vihaan's voice call out to me when I was close to the throne room. Manu and Amoli must have been waiting for.

"What is it Vihaan?" I asked.

"Where have you been Arnav! It's Manu!" He breath heavily, it seems like he have been running and he was shaking and looked shocked.

Fear griped me immediately, what happened to Manu?

"What happened to her?" I yelled.

"She's, she is...." He hesitated but I don't have time for that.

"What is it Vihaan!" I shouted at him.

"Manu is dead!"



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