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"Your majesty, Queen Manikarnika ask permission to enter." The announcer announced.

"Let her in." Came Arnav's voice from inside.

I walked in and went to his bedchamber but he wasn't there but instead I saw him at the balcony.


He didn't turn to look at me.

"There's something important I have to tell you." He said.

"I as well, it's about..." I was cut short by him.

"We have an elder brother." He said still looking outside and away from me.

"What? How?" I asked.

"I don't know much but I'll find out."

"How did you know?"

"The reason why I went to mount Shiva is because I got a message that prince Vikram escaped from exile."

"How did you know he's our brother?" It was then he turned to look at me, he looked troubled.

"He looks just like father and he smiles like queen Pohti," He began explaining. "He also fights like father and he looks just few years elder than me and accuses mother of doing something to him." He then massage his jaw.

"Was he the one who attacked you?" He nodded.

"He says he's coming to get his revenge."

I can't believe this. It's not only me she is trying to kill but possibly our brother too and it almost cost Arnav's life, that woman needs to be stopped.
"Your mother is no good." I voiced.

"We can't be sure that mother has done it. I'll just go ask her about it."

"And if it's kept a secret even by father, you think your mother will ever say anything to you?"

"I'll have to try and besides the secret is out so why keep it?"

"You know why she'll won't tell you? It's because she might have done something bad." I feel motivated to reveal her true colors now.

"Please Manu, it's mother we are talking about here!" He looked back outside, keeping me from looking at him in the eyes. "What bad could she have possibly done?"

"What bad? Why not take me for example?" Has he forgotten all the bad things his mother has done to me?

"That's different."

No Arnav, you've got to believe me.

I took in a deep breath.

"Then what about when she tried poisoning me?"

He immediately turned to me.
"What are you talking about?" His expression frightens me, his very confused and shocked with my outburst but he has to know.

"Your mother Arnav! She's the one who sent those assassins to kill me twice."

"What are you saying?" He grabbed my shoulders and stared into my eyes.

I feel so scared, I don't want Arnav to be upset with me. Not again.

"She threatened me before your first coronation that if I don't leave, I'll regret it."

He left me, "That doesn't mean anything." He spat out.

"I knew you'd say that but you have to believe me." I begged.

Queen ManikarnikaWhere stories live. Discover now