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(am pretty sure I had lots of mistakes in this chapter.)



After Vihaan left to look for Vikram, I became suspicious. Only the royal family knows about those passage and Vihaan because I told him.

Vikram has been away from the palace for a long time, he wouldn't know where to pass if someone didn't show him.

"Your majesty, commander Raghav and Abdul wishes to enter." The announcer's voice came.

"Let them in." I replied.

"Your majesty." They said bowing.

"What is it?"

"Your majesty," commander Raghav began. "Abdul has information about the traitor." He pointed to the guard he came with.

"Who is he?"

"He's a prison guard, one of the guard watching Vikram."

I turned to the Abdul, if he has information then he'll be able to answer the question that's tormenting me.

"Who is he?"

"Vihaan." He began. "He suddenly came to the cell and asked us to leave that's he's going to interrogate that criminal and that he doesn't did our help. When he left, Vikram escaped. I became suspicious so I followed Vihaan, I saw him leaving with Vikram your majesty."

"Are you certain it's Vihaan? You do know wrong information is highly punishable." I threatened to see if he'll take back his statement but he was adamant.

"I know your majesty."

"Thank you. You may leave." I remained calm. I can't be too sure, what if he's not the traitor but how come Vikram knows the exact place where the passage is.

But why would Vihaan do that? If he's really the traitor, I have to find out.

Vihaan came back very late, he came to me immediately.

"Vihaan, did you catch him?" I kept my voice calm and deep, I don't want him to suspect anything. I did not turn to face him, I kept on looking at my father's huge painting hanged on the wall.

"Yes and I know where he is." He too kept his voice deep and you can't sense his mood or if he's afraid.

"What I asked is did you catch him?" I repeated.

"No but I know where he is."

"How come Vihaan?"

"I followed him."

"But you didn't capture him?"

"To ask for back up so we can get him."

"Why did you follow him? Why didn't you just attack him because certainly you don't need back up. I mean, you said it."

"Well I did, so I followed him and we need to go now."

"You are sure he's going to be there, because am so scared about losing my mother and Manu at the same time that I don't know what I might do."

"Arnav are you threatening me?" His voice still the same.

"No. You're like my father, of course not." I denied.

"Then What are we waiting for? Let's go."

"I'll arrange for the troop to accompany us but we'll leave tomorrow."


"Aren't you afraid of a repetition of how you almost killed Manu?"

"Ok then, we'll leave tomorrow."

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