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I gave Vikram a note telling him were to escape after opening the cell for him.

I immediately went over to Arnav to carry out the next step.

He was waiting for me in the royal library.

"Arnav." I announced myself. There was no escort or bodyguard outside.

"Vihaan, am glad to see you. Have you post their posters?" He asked, hoping for some good news.

"Yes I have."

"Any news about Amoli? I have a feeling she's behind this kidnapping since Vikram is still in prison. I have no other enemy."

"Actually, Vikram has escaped."


"I was informed before coming here."

"Why is nothing going according to my plans?" He dashed out and I followed behind as always, pretending to be on his side.

He went to the prison and went straight to Vikram's cell.

"No!" He screamed as he found the cell empty. Suddenly his eyes took him to the wall. He starred at it before thrilling his eyes down.

He walked closer to it and bent down.

"Arnav what is it?" I asked. Hoping, just hoping Vikram has gone far.

He didn't answer me, I saw the little opening that Vikram had forgotten to cover up. This was a secret passage way that not many knows about. This could make Arnav suspect me.

"Ask for guards to block all the secret passage way in the palace." He ordered after starring at the place in silence.

I nodded and left.

I gathered some soldiers and made them stand at each secret way while I stood at where he's likely to come out.

After some time, I saw the little door shake. I walked their and opened it.

Vikram came out.

"You fool, why didn't you cover it well. You will get me into trouble."

"Sorry father but we have other things to worry about."


After lying to Arnav that Vikram had successfully escaped, I excused myself in the pretence of going out to find him.

We both journey to were I had kept Manikarnika and Adhira.

When we got there, we found no guards watching them outside.

"Where are they?" Vikram yelled when we found no one inside as well. Only one of the guard stabbed by an arrow and a broken chair.

"Why is there anything inside the room at all?" Vikram shouted.

"I don't know."

"That stubborn woman."



We kept on running through the forest, not knowing where we are going but we have to, no time to rest or they'll catch up and take us back.

I have no memory, but Adhira might have.

"Do you know where we are going?" I asked.

"No." She replied as coldly as ever.

It doesn't matter because we were a good team when we escaped.

It was a good thing Manikarnika's hand found an arrow where she was lying. She knew god will not leave her at their mercy.

Her hand kept on roaming around the ground until it found the precious weapon.

"Adhira." She called out.


"I found an arrow." She whispered. "Let's try and escape."

Adhira recalled that Manikarnika is very skilled with an arrow but then she has lost her memory.

"Can you use it?" Adhira asked.

"I believe so though there's no bow."

"Then how do you intend to use it." She asked impatiently.

"Patience. I have a plan."

She stood up and went to the place she believes the door is and shouted.

"Help! Help!"

A man rushed in and slammed the door in front of her.

"What's going on?" He asked. He found only Adhira sitting there. "Where is she?" He ordered.

"I don't know?" She shrug.

Manikarnika stood behind him.

"Am over here." She announced and when he turned back, she stabbed him with the arrow.

"Ahhhhh." He yelled but that did not kill him. He tried dragging the arrow out, she began to panick but from behind, a chair landed on him.

He fell to the ground revealing Adhira's terrified state. She panted heavily.

"Thank you."

"No time, let's go." 

They ran out and on their way, some guards sighted them and ran after them.


We did do well, if only she isn't as wicked as I heard then we would have been friends.

"Hey stop!" We turned back and saw the guards still chasing us.

"We have to lose them." I said to Adhira.

"What do we do?" She asked.

I looked around, the way forward was not clear at all, if we ran there we would be lost and so will they.

"Let's go in deeper."

"Are you crazy? If we go there, we won't only be lost but be eaten by animals."

"Well it's too late." I said as we went in.

Adhira kept on looking behind her.

"I think we lost them." I said to her.

"Yes, and ourselves as well...."

"Stop!" I shouted, we had gotten to a Cliff and she wasn't looking where she was going.

The place was slippery, she held onto a grass as she was almost close to her death.

"Help!" She cried out.

I gave her my hand and pulled her up. She was very heavy and the place was slippery so I slipped and was in the same position she was earlier.

"Adhira help me." I begged her.

"For long I wanted to kill you and I used others to do it and never succeed but now the Lord has given me the opportunity to do it myself."


"I told you I will never like you."
Then she gave me her hand and I held. "But I don't want Arnav to hate me anymore." She pulled me up but there was slippery mud in her hands and my hands slipped from hers.

She became distant and distant until I felt waters everywhere.


Manu fell off the cliff😱

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With love 💖

Anita 💞💃

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