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This time I didn't go to the garden but instead to the training yard to practice.

I noticed that I was being followed from behind. I packed some arrows and pretended not to notice and walked to the far end of the yard. Far from the entrance.

I took an arrow and placed it on my bow then drew the string and targeted the red spot; I stood there for a while pretending to be aiming but actually indirectly checking if they were still coming.

They were.

I have to protect myself. I won't let anything happen to me, not when am armed.

This is where all my training and skills have to come in.

I quickly turned, pointing the arrow at them; they were ten men wearing black like the ones that attacked me in the forest except they don't have any flower shaped scars like last time. They covered their nose and mouth with a cloth tied at the back to keep their identity a secret.

They were armed with swords and from the distance, I won't be able to shoot them all if they ran to me. But I'll have to try.

I fired at them quickly as they ran towards me with their swords. I was able to shoot down seven but the rest got to me and from my side, one of them with chestnut eyes strike me from my side and injured my arm.

The bow dropped from my hand and I held the wounded arm and covered the injury to prevent blood from escaping anymore.

Just then I received a slap at the other side on my cheek and the force made me fall down. I was kicked from my back by the last assassin on black and then he raised his sword, ready to stab me.

Is this really where it ends?

I heard a sound from the entrance of the yard, it sounded like a sword being swiped on the ground.

"Leave her alone!" A very familiar voice said and it was non other than Arnav.

I guess this is not where it ends.

He rushed at us and the two assassins at my side ran towards him as well. One tired striking him from his right but he blocked the attack with his sword and pushed him away.

The other strike as well but his attacked was blocked. Arnav struggled to push him but he stood his ground; seeing this, Arnav pushed him with his foot and he fell.

Meanwhile, the first attacker got up and came back for more. He strike but was blocked. They both stood their ground, whereas the other assassin had already gotten up so Arnav gave him a side blow, knocking him unconcious.

He fought with the other one but it was clear that Arnav was winning though, both Arnav and the assassin launched attack but was blocked, Arnav kept moving forward and the assassin backwards.

Seeing that Arnav was winning, the assassin at my back grabbed me by my hair and made my stand up. I cried out in pain but all he did was to place his sword at my throat.

I glanced back at Arnav and saw that he had already defeated the assassin and was walking towards me.

"One more step and she's dead." The assassin said.

"Let her go! Do you think you can still escape? If you kill her then I assure you that you will definitely die." Arnav glared at him. It was clear that he was furious but not furious enough.

This situation is not serious enough?

"If you don't let me escape then she'll die. Let me through."

I zoomed out of their conversation, I don't have time for chit chat, I have to think of a way to free myself, just then the idea hit me.

I used the heel of my foot to kick between his legs and because of that action, he let go of me and nursed the place.

At that moment, I ran from his side and Arnav had rushed towards us and pointed his sword at him.

"Drop your sword now!" Arnav ordered and it was followed.

"Manu are you okay?"
Arnav asked me and I nodded but realized he's not looking at me so I answered. "Yes Arnav."

"Good. Now go and find Vihaan or any guard to arrest these men." He ordered still not looking at me. His attention is fully with the assassin.

I immediately ran out but couldn't find any guard. I ran through the hall and around before finding some slacking off.

"Hey all of you."
I yelled and they quickly coordinated theirself. "Yes your highness." They chorused.

"Follow me right now!" I ordered and we ran back to the training yard only to find Arnav unconscious on the ground while all the assassins gone.

"Help him." I ordered them and they rushed to him and carried him.

We immediately rushed him to the infirmary.


The doctor has confirmed that Arnav is okay and that he only have a bump on his head.

Arnav is still unconscious and I can't believe that am the cause of this again. Maybe I should really Leave because I only cause trouble.

"Where is Arnav?" I heard a voice say then both Queen Adhira and Amoli appeared.

As soon as Queen Adhira saw the state Arnav is, she rushed to his side and Amoli followed suit.

"Arnav, who did this to you?"
She asked already crying. I have to leave here unless I want to witness drama and cause trouble.

"Where do you think you are going?" Queen Adhira asked when I stood up to leave.

"Outside." I replied. The Last thing I want now is commotion but knowing Queen Adhira I think I'll have to accept it.

"I am sure he's here because of you again." She pointed at me. I only stared at space not wanting to have eye contact with her.

"Look at me you shameless girl." She ordered and I reluctantly looked at her.

"Queen Adhira not now, can't you see the state Arnav is in and you want to cause a scene?" I asked.

"How dare you!" Queen Adhira roared angrily and walked up to me and gave me a slap. From the side of my view, I can see Amoli smile.

"Why don't you just leave my son already? What else do you want from him?" She sobbed and then continued,"Leave now or else you...." She was cut short.

"Or else nothing mother."



Queen ManikarnikaWhere stories live. Discover now