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"Arnav!" We all squealed and rushed to his side.

"Arnav, what happened dear?" Queen Adhira asked.

"Mother am fine, those morons only hit me on the head but am okay." He answered and then we locked eyes together. "Mother stop trying to kick Manu out."

"Why not Arnav? I am sure this only happened to you because of her." She pointed at me. "She's causing trouble for you Arnav."

"Mother this is not her fault but the fault of the guards that allowed imposters inside the palace."

"What happened this time Arnav?" Queen Adhira asked suddenly realising that she hasn't been told what happened.

"Mother it's nothing, some people only tired to attack Manu but we defeated them."

Queen Adhira had a confused look on her face for a moment before exchanging it with a concerned one. "Arnav be careful. She can die but you can't."

What!True though but what!

"Mother I don't want to hear anymore." He sat up and waved her away. Queen Adhira glared down at me before leaving. Recently I don't care or have time for Queen Adhira's drama.

"Arnav how are you?" I had already forgotten that Amoli was still here.

"Amoli please leave us alone, I would like to speak with Manikarnika Alone." She said nothing again and just left.

"Arnav?" I stood beside him.

"Manu did you see, they are capable of even entering the palace to kill you." Arnav said coolly.

"This only means that the traitor is in this palace."

"Manu, let's go somewhere, I want to show you someone."

"Who?" I asked.

"At my first coronation, one of the imposters that entered the palace was caught and being questioned by me for long now."

What? So he had him all this while and didn't inform me.

"Arnav why are you only telling me this now."

"Because I don't want to bother you with all those stuff."

"It's my life safety we are talking about!" I yelled. Why wouldn't he tell me.

"Just look at you, you care about your life so much that a simple precaution you can't do. Just marry me but no, you have to make it difficult for me." I was silent. "And besides if you knew, what will you do? Beg him to give you information because he's not willing to speak."

"Why so?"

"He fear that they'll go after his family just like I fear for you."

I am making him worry so much. Why does it make me sad yet Happy that he's thinking and cares for me.

"Arnav I want to see him." I said.

"Let's go then." He stood up from the infirmary bed and grabbed my hand then led me to where I believe he's keeping the traitor.


Arnav led me to a place in the dungeon I've never been to.

It was dark and the only means of light that we used in walking there was a torch.

Arnav is still holding my hand and his hand is so warm and I feel protected that I never want him to let go of my hand again.

We kept walking for twenty minutes before we saw a prison secured with metal bars were a man in black was laying there.

He was severely beaten up and though I felt pity for him, I know how to control myself because he deserves it and we need him to talk.

Vihaan had suddenly showed up from a path besides his cell. He was shocked to see me here and then became angry and glared at Arnav.

Sometimes I wonder what I did to this man.

"Greetings your highness." He bowed and greeted.

"Greetings Vihaan." I replied.

"Your majesty, can I speak with you alone?" He asked turning to Arnav.

"Let's go." Arnav replied to him and they both went back to where we passed in.

I wonder what Vihaan has to say about me.

I hope he doesn't spoil my name to Arnav.

I wish I could know what they are talking about.

I thought as I walked closer to the cell where the traitor is kept.

Not long, he noticed me and stood up and locked eyes with me.

He had the flower scar like my first attackers.

"So you wanted to kill me, why? Who sent you? Answer me." I said angrily.

"Just go back and and be careful princess. That's all I can say." He turned away afterwards.

"Answer me!" I yelled but he gave no response.

"I say answer me!" I yelled again.

It's obvious that this man doesn't want to talk but I have to try harder.

"I promise to protect your family from any harm if only you trust me."
But still nothing.

"We'll release you from this prison."


"We'll reward you handsomely for your cooperation, I promise."

Yet nothing. I became furious at his behavior and left but not before saying,

"You'll rot in here for what you did if you don't talk. I'll make sure of it."

I spotted the torch of Arnav and walked there but I stopped when I realized they were talking about me.

"How can you still bring her here after what you did. You have committed a sin and I kicked against it." This came from Vihaan.

"I know Vihaan but I had to, I can't lose her like father. I have to first find the murder of my father."

What! Father was murdered?

"What are you saying Arnav, father was murdered?" I asked, making it known that I heard what they were saying.

They both turned to me shocked.

"Manu how long were you there?" He asked frightened.

"Long enough to find out that father was murdered and did not die because of his illment." I replied. He breath a sign of relief but quickly changed it to a plain one.

"Manu you shouldn't have eavesdropped on our conversation."

"Then I wouldn't have found out that my father that loved me, took care of me and raised me was murdered. When where you planning on telling me?" I yelled very loudly.

"Manu that's enough, I just wanted to find the culprit first and besides I don't want to trouble you with all this things."

"That's for me to decide, Arnav. You always never want to bother me but I want justice."


You all may have not cared or forgot this but let me just ask; What is the sin Arnav committed that Vihaan was so mad about?🤔🤔🤔

Will Arnav and Manu ever get married?

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