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'She denies the accusations'

How dare she deny the accusation when I caught her, she's so shameless now, but why?

"Arnav, your mother is leaving now." Vihaan interrupted my thoughts. "She asks to speak with you."

How come he knows I came to mother's chamber?

"I don't want to." My voice was surprisingly deeper like I've been crying.

"Please Arnav, for the last time."

I cleared my throat, "I don't want to."

"Arnav, trust me, keeping anger in your heart is never healthy and it will only make you bitter and nothing good comes out of it." He started advancing towards me.

"So you want me to forgive her?" I retorted.

"At least listen to her for the last time."

"So she can lie to me?"

"No, so she can explain."

"Why are you suddenly on her side." I became agitated, am here trying not to forgive her and he's asking me to listen to her lies?

"No am on yours and I always do things for your interest. Arnav, she might have done wrong but don't you wonder why?" It dawned on me, what could he mean?

"What do you mean?"

"Not every wives that shares the same husband don't get along. We know that Queen Adhira hates Queen Pohti but what we don't know is why?" I haven't really wondered why they never got along.

"I think you should ask her now."
He left after he saw that he has got me thinking.

I can't see her, no. Am afraid if I do, I might not let her go and forgive her but Manu's justice will not be complete if I don't find out the cause of her death.


"Arnav! You came." She embraced me tightly immediately she saw me, all her rich jewelries and clothes were gone. "I love you son." she let out a sob.

"Queen Adhira, do something right for the first time. Tell me truthfully, why do you hate Queen Pohti?" I refused to call her mother so she'll be hurting.

"Because she's evil, she and your father committed a sin against me Arnav." Her expression darkened, she talked with spite.

"How so?"

"I was the wife chosen by your grandfather, king Atharv pranav jai to marry your father, I fell in love with him at first sight even though I didn't know him I agreed and was eager for the marriage."

"What happened?"

"After marriage Arnav, I was allowed to bring someone from my parents home to my marriage home, my servant and best friend Pohti followed me here so I'll still have someone from TRIGARTA. I loved Pohti very much wish is why I chose her to follow me to my marriage home and stay but it was a big mistake because she's very ambitious."

"What happened?"

"She seduced your father and he married her but...."

"You are quarreling with Queen Pohti because she married father?" I interrupted her and pushed away her hands, she had continued holding my arm after the hug. How can she be quarreling with someone to the extent to kill her daughter just because she married your husband. That's sick.

"No son let me finish."

"What's there to finish mother? The fact is that you are sick and you need help."

"No son, listen." Her voice were slowly becoming blurry again.

"To what, I made a mistake speaking to you, thinking you could give me a reasonable answer."

"Arnav!" She cried, tears rolling down like it has finally been set free.

"Tell me something, whose child is Vikram?"

She composed herself again but the tears never stopped falling.
"That demon, Pohti."

"But he's elder to me, why isn't he king, why didn't Manu and I know about him? Why was he in exile?" I had many questions about Vikram.

"To give us justice Arnav but even that couldn't be fulfilled."


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With love 💖

Anita 💞💃

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