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I went in deep inside the waters, down down down down until I could breathe.

I remember something, a scene suddenly played in front of me.

Seeing Amoli there made me very angry and much more that she feels she is the queen of the world now that Arnav accepted to marry her. She just couldn't close her mouth and stop smiling. I heard myself think.

It irritates me.

But today is the worst, I don't feel like going anywhere. Why do I hate seeing that woman this much and even more today as it's her wedding day. She's marrying Arnav today.

For the last two days now, I haven't spoken to Arnav because of this stupid wedding. He wasn't even this busy with his coronation; I wonder if he would be that busy with our wedding.

"Your highness, your Sari for the..."

"Leave and take it with you." Pooja my female servant had brought in the Sari I would be wearing for the wedding but no way am attending. Wait I remembered who Pooja is.

All I have to do is to return back to my sleep.

I walked over to my bed and layed down.

Then it all got dark and flooded with water again before it all got bright again.

I found myself in the forest and some beautiful flowers were close to me then,
There was a sudden movement behind me as I saw the bushes sway and am sure it wasn't the wind that's the culprit.

Is someone watching me?

Or is there some animal skillfully trying to get it's prey?

Am I the prey?

What animal is behind me?

Why didn't I come with my weapon? With weapon? Which one? An arrow!

All these thoughts came to mind as I thought again,
I need to act quickly or else am dinner for.......

My thoughts were interpurted by  sounds from behind me but these sounds were not made by any animal but swords.

I turned as I slowly walked to the direction of the noise then I heard a man shout in pain but I don't recall the voice and then another scream came and then another but non of their voices were familiar.

I heard no screams again as I quicken my steps and was face to face with angry Amber brown eyes.

I said, more to myself.
"What are you doing here?"
I asked almost yelling.

"That's what I get for saving your life foolish child."
He said clearly distressed and breathing heavily.


Am Confused but then I remembered I heard screams of some people I don't know few seconds ago here in the forest, were nobody or rarely anybody goes and what is Arnav doing here?!

Instinctively, I glanced over his shoulder, I see three men lying lifelessly on the grasses wet from dew.

They wore black all through and a symbol I couldn't see clearly was painted on their left cheek.

It was like a flower but from my view it wasn't clear as it was very small. Thankfully I have good eye sight and Can see far but I don't recognize the flower even though I can see only little of it.

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