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"Why that suggestion?"
I asked, why will I make Manu my second wife?

"Your majesty, Princess Manikarnika is taken as your sister even though you are not related by blood, if you make princess Amoli your second wife and princess Manikarnika your first then it will bring a bad name to your reputation and you might get the king of DARADA as your enemy for that." My royal advisor explained but I don't want to marry princess Amoli in the first place.

"Marnav, I don't intend on marring princess Amoli." I announced.

"Do it for your kingdom, you don't have to marry for love but for your kingdom. DARADA is a strong kingdom and the alliance will help you as king."

"I understand." I nodded and wave him off, "you may go now."

"Yes your majesty but consider what I said after all am your advisor. I had helped your father in ruling greatly so it will be wise to accept my advice." He bowed his head before leaving.

My conversation with Marnav only made me think. Am confused, I don't want to hurt Manu but then again why would she be hurt?

She wouldn't even care after all I begged her so it won't matter.

"Who's there?" I asked.

Vihaan walked to me bowing his head.

"Yes your majesty."

"Vihaan, l want your advice. What should I do with the situation at hand." Vihaan must have heard both my conversation and I can trust him with good advice. Vihaan is like my second father and advisor, I tell him everything that troubles my heart.

"I advise you to take the advice from your advisor."

Of course Vihaan would say this, he doesn't like Manu.

"Vihaan please set aside your feelings and answer me truthfully, I trust you to give me good advice."

"Which is what I am giving you. you are the one who should put your feelings aside. Don't let it cloud your mind because you might fail as a ruler." I only nodded, why do I have this feeling that he's right. I have not become a king yet and am having difficulties with making a decision but it wouldn't be hard if I for once set my feelings aside.

"Arnav?" Vihaan called for my attention, he sighed then walked closer and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Arnav I am like a father to you right?"

"Yes Vihaan."

"Then trust me." I nodded and gave him a smile. He parted his lips but closed them again as if he wanted to say something but decided against it.

"You have something to say, please speak." I promoted.

"I don't think it's the right time, I definitely don't want you to let your emotions control you."

"Am confused Vihaan, I am ordering you to say it."

"I caught one of the men I saw at your coronation and I have held him captive for interrogation."
My expression brightened but changed when I remembered that he was going to keep it away from me.

"And why were you planning on keeping it away from me?"

"Because I don't want you to have anything to do with princess Manikarnika, you have done enough." His statement only angered me.

"I think it's not for you to decide." I stood up, making my full height unknown as I starred down at him. "Take me to where he is."

"No. I will handle interrogating him but now I believe you have something to do."

Queen ManikarnikaWhere stories live. Discover now