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I finally left Manu for the first time after I've got her back and I really wish I didn't.

We were finally close like real couples and I felt that she really loves me too.

Forgive me Manu for wishing this but if you could only love me when you don't think am a traitor then I pray you never recover your memory.

I went over to the throne room where am to meet Vihaan for whatever he needs to say.

"Tell me Vihaan, hurry up and say it."

"He has nothing to say." Vikram walked out from the walls and stood in front of me. "Where's Manikarnika? I want to see her."

I glanced over at Vikram through vihaan's shoulder.

"He wanted to see you." He replied, knowing what I was thinking.

Vikram came and stood in front of me. "Where is she Arnav?" He punched me slightly on my chest, it made me shift back a little.

"She's in her room. Sleeping." I replied. We glared at each other for a while in silence before Vikram finally broke it.

"I'll take Manikarnika now." He announced and made to leave. I held him back and made him turn to me.

"What did you say?"

"We had a deal."

"Yes and am ready to give you my kingdom." He just laughed and looked at me.

"Who do you think you are? This kingdom is mine so you can't give it to me." He finally spoke.

"Then what do you want?"

"You can keep the kingdom and it's people." He began. "Rule in peace but you'll have to give me Manikarnika and then we will both disappear and you'll never see us again." He concluded.

Now it was my turn to laugh. I laughed heartily like something really funny has just happened.

"Why are you laughing." He was annoyed.

"Because of your stupidity." His cool attitude changed to the of a wounded animal immediately. "You think I'd give you Manu? Did you lose your memory too? Did you forget she's my wife."

"I don't care. Give her to me, you gave me your word."

"My word means nothing to you. Especially now I found out you were the one who faked her death. You and that Amoli!" I yelled. He was shocked with my revelation. "Yes Vikram, I know because Manu remembered. You both need to pay for what you did especially you for trying to kill my mother. You think I'll just forget about all of it?"

"I don't care Arnav. You gave me your word, I want Manikarnika."


"You better full fill your promise or else I'll punish you the worst way ever. You will regret it." He threatened. I know what he wanted to do, he wants me to die by Manu's sword. That would have been the worst death ever and nothing can compare to that.

"Your threats don't scare me Vikram. The one who should be afraid is you."

"Arnav just give me Manu and it will all end here."

"Guards!" I yelled. Seconds later, two soldiers came. "Arrest this man." I pointed to Vikram.

"Yes your majesty." They replied and they each grabbed one of his hand.

"And send someone to arrest Queen Amoli for a attempted murder."

"Yes your majesty." They bowed before walking Vikram out. He was quite the whole time.

Why does that worry me?


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With love 💖

Anita 💞💃

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