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Arnav immediately became sober.

"What?!" We both shouted.

He stood up and left me to Vihaan and I followed. "What are you saying Vihaan?" He shouted again.

"Arnav this is not the time, we need to rush over there now!"

"Okay let's go!" Arnav commanded and was about to leave before noticing I was coming along. "Where are you going?"

"Am going with you Arnav."

He turned fully to me and placed his hand on my shoulders. He looked at me with adoration and concern.

"No Manu, it could be very dangerous for you and we don't know who attacked them." He turned away to face Vihaan. "It could be that prince Vikram again." He whispered and Then he faced me again. "Maybe he's trying to get revenge like he said he would and I don't know his plans."

There's no way am going to stay here and be scared of someone I haven't even seen yet.
"But I want to help Arnav, Aesha is my cousin and I love her and what about little Alisha and Sameer? Arnav I can't stay here and do nothing." I yelled.

"You will!" He yelled back then turned to Vihaan. "Assign guards to watch her so she doesn't leave the palace and after that, meet us by the gate."

"Why Arnav? Why do this? I just want to help Arnav, please!" I grabbed his hand and hold it when he was leaving. He didn't stop so I followed him instead. "Arnav don't do this!" I begged but he only swing my hand away and said nothing.

"Queen Adhira wasn't able to keep me in the palace, what makes you sure you can?" He stopped. "Because I can't lose you, nothing should happen to you. Vihaan, what are you waiting for?" He said without looking back and then left.

It was remaining just me and Vihaan, I turned to look at him and saw he was already coming.

"Vihaan, please!" I tried begging.

"Am sorry your highness but it's for your own good." He stood in front of me, " Now will you follow me to your court or should I drag you there?" He asked but I stood still. He grabbed my the arm and dragged me but I fought back.

"Your highness, were is your dignity? People will wake and see you like this?" He was right so I followed him to my court instead but I haven't given up my desire to see Aesha.

"Don't allow her to leave! Guard her properly and make sure she remains here until king Arnav comes back." He ordered the guards guarding my court.

"Vihaan please!" I tried begging one last time but he didn't listen and handed me to the guards.

I need to find away to escape.


I couldn't sleep for the rest of the night, I have to think of a way to escape but how do I do it?

Just then, pooja came in with my breakfast.

"Poja please! I need your help, help me escape." I begged her.

"What happened your highness?" She asked.

"Arnav have kept me locked up here."

"But why, your highness?"

"He doesn't want me to follow him to racknish and help Aesha."

"What happened to her?" She asked again whilst placing my breakfast down on my bed.

"She was ambushed and Arnav think it's too dangerous for me."

"But it really could be dangerous for you, your highness."

Queen ManikarnikaWhere stories live. Discover now