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"How's Arnav Sir."

"I would love to say he's okay but he's not good at all." The royal doctor said, "And please stop addressing me as sir. I am lyan. "

"Okay Iyan, do you know of any antidote for the poison?"

"No, this is one of the rear poisons and an antidote, exist but hard to find."

"Do you have any records about these rear poisons."

"Yes I do, your majesty."

"Please bring it."

Iyan stood up from the chair he's been sitting since we got here in his house. He's house is not at all bad, it's very descent and modest. Am not bothered to sleep here because am sure I'll be comfortable.

He came back from the inner room he entered with five scrolls after being gone for five minutes.

"Here." He handed the scrolls to me.

"Thank you." I said and then I started devouring each content of the book careful then I remembered that I don't know what poison Arnav was given.

"Which poison Iyan?"
He had already sat on the chair he was sitting on a while ago and I sat opposite him.

He held out a scroll for me and then I read it but nothing.

"There's nothing important here; how are you sure it's this poison that was given to Arnav?"

"This poison is one of the fastest poisons in India and like the others we haven't found any antidote." He adjusted his chair forward.

"It till hasn't answered my question."

"Your majesty, I have only heard of the ivy poison, I have not taken care of any patient with sure a poison and as well his face is pale so am sure it's the ivy poison."

"So no other poison have this effect?"

"Even if there is, it must me among the deadliest poisons," he gestured to the scrolls,"there's no antidote."

"No. We have to find one."


"I have no idea."
I sighed.

"What if it's not the ivy poison."

"Then we'll look for the antidote for all the poisons."

"Please speak realistically, how will you find the antidote of all four poisons before tomorrow and may I remind you, it's dark and am not letting you leave in dark."

"Then I'll leave first thing in the morning."

"Before the morning he must be dead already."


"I think you don't understand when I say one of the fastest poisons."

"No. No. No. I won't give up now."

I raised my hand up to prevent him from discouraging me any further. I have to think. Yes! why not.

"Sir Iyan?"

"Yes your majesty."

"I want to see the cures for every diseases and poisons."

"Your majesty?"

"Trust me and bring it now, there's no time."
With that he stood up again and ran to the inner room and returned after about fifteen minutes.


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