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I heard that the blue lobelia assassins are very skilled so it will be tricky to get them which is why I asked Vihaan to gathered
more soldiers, we rode to Laxmi river.

When we arrived, I saw the old man that mother ordered to kill Manu pouring ash into the water.

"Get them all!"

We charged at them and they retaliated, they were just fifteen and we were more so it's safe to say that we would capture them.

We fought to get them all but they gave a strong fight, I was wounded by one of them from behind, coward, when I tried to capture the old man.

He was the one dealing with mother and also the leader so he's the one who needs to be stopped and am very determined to get him.

He was old but not weak as he gave me quite a fight. He kept on attacking me and me blocking and not getting the chance to strike.

He got me off balance and had the chance to strike and finish me but he didn't, instead he fled.

Why didn't he finish me up?

That shouldn't be even a question, if am dead then there's no escape from death for him. Best thing to do is to run but am not going to let him escape that easily.

He ran towards the path leading back to mount Garnish and I ran after him, forgetting about the rest of my soldiers to fight for themselves and not offering any form of support for them. The leader is who I want and who I'll get.

If I don't get him then I won't be able to full fill the promise to Manu and give her justice. No that will never happen. I will not sin against Manu again.

"Stop running and face justice you coward!" I yelled after him.

He turned for a moment to look at me briefly but turned back immediately and increased his speed and so did I.

I held my sword tightly, the path was very long on foot and sooner or later I know he'll get tired for he is after all an old man.

Well later, my wish came true as he was slowing down gradually, am ashamed to say that this old man is a faster runner than me. We were close to the path leading to the market and another leading out of BAHLIKA.

No! He mustn't escape. I raised my sword ready to strike if I got any closer which will be soon but I felt a sharp pain below. My leg. One of the blue lobelia stroked my leg.

I fell with my butt, hitting it hard but the pain wasn't compared to the one I felt on my leg.

"Leave him. Don't hurt him." The old man ordered and continued running. The man tired escaping as well but I must get my revenge, I grabbed his, he fell with his face and rolled over. He bled from his nose and teeth as he groaned from the fall.

He tried to kick my hand off his leg but I maintained my hold.

"You will not escape from me." We both struggled on the floor before we heard footsteps coming our way.

"Your majesty." I heard vihaan's and my soldiers commander, Raghav's, voice.

"Get him!" I yelled.

He tired fighting back but Vihaan over powered him. "The old man escaped."

"Which old man?" Vihaan asked, he was obviously confused.

"The leader of this blue lobelia! He is wearing black and running out of the kingdom!" I shouted, I stood up but winced as I felt the pain from my leg. I turned to the commander, "Go after him!"

Thanks guys, for the patience ❤️

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