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I had a little writers block at this chapter but I'm glad I bounced back quickly. Anyways thanks for the reads so far.




Arnav keeps on avoiding me and I can't help need to speak to him but I don't have any excuse.

Just then I remembered.

Yes! He needs to explain things to me and that will give me the opportunity to apologise.

I was hurrying to the throne room because I heard Arnav is there with some ministers but then Amoli stopped me.

"Wait Manikarnika."

Amoli has been a pain since I married Arnav, she tries to make me miserable but I'll never give in. I won't cause trouble for Arnav.

"What is it Amoli?"

"Shut up you thief!"she yelled.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. This must be one of her schemes again.

"Come with me." She pulled me along and took me to my court.

Pihu, Amoli's personal maid followed behind.

"Pihu? Tell me what you saw." She told her but kept her eyes on me. She seems so angry at me.

"Your highness I saw Queen Manikarnika take your jewelry when you weren't looking outside." She lied.

"Amoli you know that's not true." I tried to defend myself but I know she won't listen because this is what she wants.

"Shut up! You are a thief." Then she turned to Pihu, "Pihu,send them in."

Pihu went out and came back with two palace guards.

"Search everywhere. If it's necessary, destroy everything but I need you to find my marriage necklace." She ordered and then they scattered everywhere looking for her marriage necklace.

"They won't find anything because it isn't here." I said but she silenced me.

"Found it!" One of the guards announced.

My room has tight security, how was she able to frame me like this?

It's only two explanation,
She's really good at sneaking things into ones room or
The guards are in on this conspiracy and brought the jewel along with them and pretended to find it here.

"Bring it." She smiled. She inspected it for a while before turning to me. "Your marriage necklace is around your neck, what is another that looks like mine doing in your chamber Manikarnika?"

And she dragged me out of the court and started shouting.

"Everyone come see. See your beloved Queen Manikarnika stealing a marriage necklace."

She was disgracing me in public to everyone. She's gone too far.

"Oh please Amoli, we both know that this is all a conspiracy you planned."

"Oh! So now I'm the one that planted it here when you have tight security outside. I wonder why anyone is taking interest in you."

"Maybe because am not cunning like you." I was irritated and am not going to let her get away with this one.

My statement infuriated her to the extent that she slapped me crossed my face.

The sting had left but I still held the place. How dare she?

"What's happening here?" Queen Adhira came and stood in our middle.

"It's this thief of a Queen, she stole my marriage necklace." She lied.

Queen Adhira didn't need to ask me anything as she immediately sided with Amoli and accused me.

"I always knew you were shameless and not brought up well but I never imagined that you were a thief Manikarnika."

"Oh please, you both know I didn't take anything. I won't be surprised if you both were in on this conspiracy." I accused.

"How dare you shameless girl." Queen Adhira raised her hand to hit me but stopped on her tracks as she heard Arnav's voice.

"What's happening here?" He yelled but no one answered. "I said what's happening here?" He repeated. He was with Alisha.

"Arnav, it's this thief Manikarnika. Do you know what she did? She stole my marriage necklace." Amoli answered.

"I told you Arnav, she's a useless girl and not to marry her but you didn't listen and now see what she's doing."

Oh no, both of them are saying lies against me and Arnav is upset with me, will he think I did it?

He gave me a displeasing look which made my heart sank.

"So she took your marriage necklace?" He asked.

"Yes Arnav."

"But you found it Amoli, why create a scene in my palace huh?" He glared at her.

"Arnav?" His action shocked and frightened her.

"And stop calling me by my name. It's your majesty to you."

"Arn... your majesty!" She stuttered.

"Never repeat this again! If there's any problem take it to me and not disturb my palace peace."

He gave me a glance before leaving.

I couldn't help but have a smug face. He's still protecting me.

Thanks Arnav.

It was then I realized that I still had my hand on my face.

"That boy!" Queen Adhira shouted. I smiled at them before leaving.

Now am sure I can approach Arnav.

I followed Arnav, he was holding Alisha by the hand.

"Arnav wait!" I ran towards him but he turned away, not even looking at me.

"Alisha please tell your aunt Manu to leave." He called me MANU!

"Why uncle?" Alisha asked.

"Because am busy."

"With what uncle?" She asked again. I couldn't help but smile.

"With playing with you. I still want to play with you so please tell her to leave." He ruffled her hair and pecked her on the cheek. Alisha is a very cute girl.

"Uncle there's no problem there, we'll continue playing after you're done talking okay." She insisted.

"Alisha don't worry, just give him my message." I said to her.

"What is it aunt Manu?"

"Just tell your uncle Arnav, thank you and sorry. Am a very bad sister not to talk of being a good wife. Am not even a good person."

"Alisha tell your aunt Manu that she is not a child anymore and if everything were to be solved by just sorry then the world wouldn't be like this today." Arnav said still not looking at me.

"Alisha please tell your uncle Arnav that I know I can never repay him for anything he has done for me and keeps doing but I just want to say am sorry and thank you. He's the best brother anyone can ask for."

"Hey, are you guys sure that you are still passing message through me?" Alisha spoke, She can be funny at times. I smiled at her and then turned to leave but a hand grabbed my veil. I smiled and turned.

I turned to see an angry looking Arnav. It was as if he was possessed by a demon.

"Who did that to you?"


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