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Arnav was successfully crowned as king of BAHLIKA KINGDOM two days ago and this time I dressed up for it.

Seeing Amoli there made me very angry and much more that she feels she is the queen of the world now that Arnav accepted to marry her. She just couldn't close her mouth and stop smiling.

It irritates me.

But today is the worst, I don't feel like going anywhere. Why do I hate seeing that woman this much and even more today as it's her wedding day. She's marrying Arnav today.

For the last two days now, I haven't spoken to Arnav because of this stupid wedding. He wasn't even this busy with his coronation; I wonder if he would be that busy with our wedding.

"Your highness, your Sari for the..."

"Leave and take it with you." Pooja my female servant had brought in the Sari I would be wearing for the wedding but no way am attending.

All I have to do is to return back to my sleep.

I walked over to my bed and layed down.

Don't think about...

How can Arnav forget me like that and not even speak to me.

No, I can't think about him. Too late.

What even is happening to me that I always think about him.

Probably is because I have trusted him and accepted him as my brother.

But why do I feel that, that's not the case.

Forget. Get out. Sleep.

"Will you not be attending?"
I heard a voice say, I quickly opened my eyes and found Arnav starring down at me.

"How do you not even make a sound while walking?" I asked.

"Leave that and answer me."

"I don't feel well." I lied but thinking of it, it's true because I don't think am okay.

"What's wrong?" He asked. It was clear that he was sincerely concern while I just lied to him.

"Nothing, I'll be fine." I waved him off. "You have a wedding to be at, go or you'll be late." I said not looking at him.

"Did you call the doctor." I stook my head. "At least call the doctor."

"No, I just need sleep and I will be alright." I said still not looking at him.

"Manu are you upset with me?" He asked.

"No Arnav, why would I be?"

"Then why are you behaving like this with me again. Have you change your mind yet again?" He was getting angry. What am doing is not correct, why would I be angry, he's just busy and he have no obligation with me.

I turned to him.
"Am sorry Arnav, I didn't mean to. Let me just rest and I'll be okay."

"Okay then, get rest. I'll be taking your leave." He said and left. Oh I wished he stayed.

I need to know what all this feeling is if not it will kill me.

But who shall I talk to. Mother is no more and neither is father or Anika. They are all gone.

I have no more friends.

"Your highness, his majesty ask me to bring medicine for you." Pooja announced while placing the medicine beside me.

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