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"Or do you both want me to shut you up?" Both Adhira and Manikarnika gasped, they were surprised to see me.

"Vihaan?" Adhira gasped.

"Weren't you with Arnav?" Manikarnika asked.

"You both are correct." I answered mockingly.

"What is the meaning of this?" Adhira ordered.

"Don't you know? You've been kidnapped." I said like it was the most obvious thing and normal.

"How does it feel?" A high pitched voice sang behind me. She walked passed me to where Manikarnika was standing. Oh how I hate that woman.

"Manu, Mani, Manikarnika." She sang as she walked over to Manikarnika.

"You! You're the woman who tried to kill me!" Manikarnika exclaimed.

"And the reason why you're still alive is a mystery to me."

"You..." Manikarnika was about to say something again but I cut her short. The least thing I want is to listen to their rants.

"That's enough! Behave, the both of you."

"Why?" Adhira looked from me to Amoli. "Why did you....?" She thrill off.

"Because my dear love, I got another way to full fill my dreams without your son." I acted like I was thinking for some time then pretended like I remembered. "My son for instance."

"You traitor, my son trusts you."

"I know, that's why it was easy."

Adhira glared at me, if only she could, she would have killed me with her eyes.

"And you Amoli, I trusted you. We would have brought Manikarnika down together and Arnav would have been yours." She turned to Amoli.

Manikarnika's eyes grew bigger as she glared at Adhira. "Am right here." She said but was ignored.

"Well let's just say, father's plans were more beneficial." Amoli replied.

"What's going on?" Manikarnika asked, I forget she knows nothing about what were talking about.

"Shut up! I hate you and when Vikram is king then I will finally be the one and only Queen, no one to dare slap me, trust me, you won't be alive to see it." Amoli said even before I could say anything.

"god will not allow your evil plans to happen!" Manikarnika fired back.

"I said shut up!" Amoli grabbed her by her hair and pulled it but Manikarnika pushed her back. She landed on her butt.

"I am not afraid of you."

"How dare you." She stood up, ready for a fight again but I don't have the patience for that.

"Amoli! Outside. Now!" I ordered.

"You don't tell me what to do." She rebelled.

"Yes but trust me, you won't want to see what I'll do." I threatened, she glared at me before leaving.

"I'll send for your food." I announced.

"I don't need your food." Adhira spat.

"I know that but I very well know that when your stomach starts grumbling, you won't have a choice." She remained silent, she just starred at me but then I shifted my gaze to Manikarnika.

"I don't understand what they saw in you."


I returned back to the palace.

I went straight to the prison were Vikram was. He has done a good job avenging me and his mother. Something I couldn't do for a long time.

His plan is perfect but there's something I don't I agree on.

"I want to interrogate this criminal here, you may leave." I said to the five guards standing outside Vikram's prison cell.

"But we can stay here, what if he tries to escape?" One of them asked.

"I am capable of protecting myself so leave." They looked at each other with perplexed faces before walking out.

I turned to Vikram who has been looking at us the whole time.

"Were you really going to forget about the kingdom and run off with that woman?"

"He lied to me." He said with a drained out voice.

"Of course, you think he would just give Manu to you? Don't forget I told you he loves her since childhood. You wanted to sacrifice our plans, your mother's revenge and mine for that same woman?"

"Yes. But now, the plan has changed. I want Maha kidnapped."

"I did that. I kidnapped Adhira as well."

"Why? Just kill that woman she's useless now."

"What do you have in mind and what are you planning on doing with that Amoli?"

"Let's just say there's a war coming."


Hi guys! Thanks so much for reading.

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With love 💖

Anita 💞💃

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