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Y/n's pov
"Hey Alex, wanna go on Omegle?" I ask. "Bitch, nothing good ever comes from Omegle." He laughed. "Shut up, and come here. I don't wanna be by myself." I say. He scoffs and went on Omegle. "Shit, what do you think we're going to see?" I ask him. "Shit, I don't know. Let's hope it's not a dick." He laughed. "Stupid ass." I laugh. The first to pop up was a girl who was chewing gum so loudly. Alex immediately skipped her. "Fucking loud ass bitch." I laugh and we continued to talk to people.

Some people recognized us and the amount of screaming and saying they love us was so much and not gonna lie, it made me cry. "You gonna do one more because I'm hungry and about to get some food?"He said. I nod my head and he left. once I looked up it was a guy who had dark, fluffy hair and wow. He was wow.

Mattia's pov
"Shut the fuck up kairi." I laugh. He flicks me off and I looked down at my phone before Kairi said someone was there. I look up and wow. She looked gorgeous, she had y/h/c, with y/e/c and wow. "Hi." I said, shyly. What the fuck, I said to myself. "Uh hi. I'm y/n." She smiled. "I'm mattia. Where are you from?" I ask. "I live in LA." She said. "That's cool, I live in jersey." I smile. "Is it really loud over there?" She asked. "A little, but you learn to live with it." I said. She smiles softly and wow was I smiling like a idiot.

We talked for a few minutes and I got to know her. She was amazing; she was so nice to the boys and we all started to talking to her as we made jokes and everything. I recorded some of it on snap, "new friend :)" I was staring at her when kairi scared me. "Dude." He said and I jumped a little and I hit the next button. "No no no, kairi!" I say. "I'm sorry, I didn't know that you were going to hit the button." He said. "Shit." I say as I put my head down. "I didn't even get her number. How are we supposed to talk?" I mumble. "Chill, dude. I got an idea." Kairi said.

Y/n's pov
Alex texted me asking what I wanted when I heard kairi say dude, I look up and it switched to someone else. "What the fuck?" I say. As I tried to go back but I couldn't. "Fuck, I didn't even get his number." I say as I closed my laptop. I laid on my bed, thinking how I'm probably never gonna talk it see him again.

3 days later
It's been 3 days and I haven't had any luck on finding mattia. I was going to give up when my phone started to blow up. "What the hell?" I whisper. I look at them and see people were tagging in me a tiktok. I look at it and it was mattia? I read the caption and it said "do your thing tiktok." I watched the video and it was a us talking on Omegle. "So, i was talking to this girl and this dumbass made me click the next button." It showed a clip of him flipping off kairi. "So, I decided to let tiktok find her. Do your thing." He said.

I laugh and commented, "hey, it's me😌." He replied to me, "I found you! Thank you tiktok." It read. I smile and I got a message from him.

mattiapolibio: hi y/n.

y/n.y/l/n: hi mattia.

mattiapolibio: I'm so sorry for what happened. Kairi's dumbass made me skip you.

y/n.y/l/n: it's all good. so, you're tiktok famous?

mattiapolibio: you are too. what didnt you tell me?

y/n.y/l/n: why didn't you?

mattiapolibio: fair enough. can't believe they actually found you.

y/n.y/l/n: I know, a little weird.

mattiapolibio: here's my number so we don't have to keep talking here.
mattiapolibio: (***)***-****

y/n.y/l/n: okay.

"I can't believe they found me." I laugh. I put the number in my contacts and put him under "mattia❤️."

y/n: hey

mattia❤️: so, would you be okay with talking for a while. you know to get to know each other better?

y/n: sure, I'm okay with it

mattia❤️: cool, so tell me more about you.

7 months laters
Me and mattia have been talking for a while now and it was great. We decided to finally see each other other than texting, facetiming, and duetting each other's tiktoks. I was going to jersey and I was landing in a few minutes.

I was so nervous to meet him in person. I had now landed and was on my way to get my suitcase. I called him asking where he was. He told me he was at the entrance and he was wearing light blue jeans with a white adidas shirt with green. I looked for him and I think I spotted him. I locked with him and smiled. "Is that you?" I said to him. "Yeah, it's me." He said as he hung up and walked to me. I ran to him and we hugged. He was definitely a lot taller than me, he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his torso. "I can't believe it's you." I say. "Me either." He laughed. I pulled away and I look into his eyes. We both started to lean in and our lips connect.

It felt nice kissing him for the first time since we started talking. I didn't want to stop kissing him, but my body was screaming for air. We pulled away and I smiled as we rested our forehead against each other. "Wow." He said. "Wow." I laugh. "Is this a bad time to ask you on a date?" He said. "Definitely not a bad time. And I would love to go on a date with you." I smile. "Thank you, tiktok." He smiles and leans in for another kiss.

word count: 1036
thank you @im_a_simp_hehe for requesting ❤️.

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