pick me.. choose me.

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song: it will rain - bruno mars (ok so the imagine isn't based on the song but i feel like the song kinda relates to it😌)

"Mattia, stop!" I heard as he throws kenzie over his shoulder and starts to run around the field. "Stop, stop," she squeal as he stumbles a bit and she almost slipped off. "I'm not going to let you go." He said as tighten his grip on her legs. "Mattia!" Mattia turned his body around as I ran towards them.

"Oh hey, y/n." He waves, "Mattia!" She yell and tried to hold onto him, "I got you kenz, stop worry idiot." He chuckles and sets her down. "Can I finally get what I was asking for?" She ask as she panted from laughing and yelling at mattia. "Yeah." He answers and crouches down to get to her level. She smile and got on his back, "A piggy back ride?" I asked. "Yup, thanks to mattia over here, he's quiet comfortable to be on and sleep on." She smile and he laughs, "Classy, really. Now, what did you need y/n?" Mattia asked. "Just wanted to ask if you wanted to go back to our place and watch a movie." I smiles. "Huh, sure." He shrugged, "Hello? Get to moving, dinosaur." She say and hit the back of mattia's head. "Chill out, we'll be there." Kenzie said as they walked away to get their stuff.

"He's still on that?" Kairi exclaimed as we walked down the hall. "Yup, sucky." I made a blah face and he frowns, "Come on, if it gets unbearable, you know who to call." He smirks. "Jesus, kairi. I'm not calling harry styles." He rolls his eyes, "I meant me, but actually call me when you get home." He said. "I will, promise." I held out my pinky, he chuckles a little and wraps his pinky with pinky, "Promise." He kissed our pinkies to seal the deal. Me and kairi came up with that, he has to seal the deal, even if he makes the promise, it's our way of showing whoever breaks it has to give the other person ice cream. "I'll see you tomorrow." He smiles. "I'll see you." I let go and went to walk home.

I opened the door and first thing I see is kenzie and mattia watching a movie, you're kidding me? "Are you serious?" I ask as I closed the door. "Y/n, we were waiting for you!" Kenzie exclaimed as she paused the movie. "Waiting for me my ass. You guys watched the movie, I had picked and didn't even wait for me." I scoff. "Woah woah, it wasn't Kenzie's fault." Mattia butts in. "So it was yours then?" I crossed my arms, waiting for him to answer. "Whatever, don't come in my room." I walked upstairs to my room and locked the door.

I threw my bag on the floor and put my hands in my hair, tugging at it from frustration. I slipped down slowly to the floor, "Alexa play falling." I got up and took out my painting gear. "Playing Falling by Why Don't We."

"Can't you see that I'm falling.. Can't you see that I'm falling, falling for you." I sang along and continued to paint. I'm guessing that mattia hasn't left yet and the living room making faint noises from the movie they were watching.

2 hours later

"I heard your siren's call, it was beautiful
I am drowning, God, please don't save me. I'm in too deep." I sang softly as I felt lonely. Usually when I would paint, mattia would be telling me how horrible my music taste is because I listen to why don't we or something about his tiktok, it felt weird to not have him by my side. We would always hang out together and than kenzie decided to come along to the mall with us and ever since than it's been kenzie and mattia. I'm not denying I'm jealous, because I am! I want my best friend back who i happened to have a crush on.

I left my room to wash my brushes downstairs. Mattia was the only one there, I guess kenzie probably in the bathroom. "Hey." He smiles and get up from the couch. "Hi." I turned on the facet and grabbed the soap. "You painted without me?" He frowns. "Yeah, you were hanging out with kenzie so." I look at him and washes the brushes. "You could've just ask me to go up to your room." He answers. "Yeah, well I also asked you to watch the movie, not kenzie, you and you see how that turned out." I fake smile and rinsed off the brushes. "I'm going over to kairi's, not you or kenzie, just me. I'll see you later slugger." I said and went back to my room. Mattia stopped me before I could reached the stairs. "Why are you acting like this?" He asks, furring his eyebrows. "We both know that I don't act out unless I have a reason."

at kairi's house

"So, are you going to tell him?" He asks as he set his phone down. "No, he likes my sister and it definitely shows." I muttered. "Y/n, stop," Kairi said and grabbed my hands and made me stand up, "You are perfect for Mattia and his dumbass doesn't even realize it and the fact that you're saying that HE likes HER better is UNBELIEVABLE." He exclaimed and sighed, "Give him some time, his slow ass with catch up. For now, let's go for a drive." He smiles and grabs his keys.

y/nspammm: bougie :) @kairicosentino

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y/nspammm: bougie :) @kairicosentino

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"Thanks kairi, i'll see you later." I waved bye and went inside my house. "Y/n!" Mattia exclaimed. "It's 1 in the morning, where have you been?" He asks and followed me to the kitchen. "With kairi, we went for a drive and we got food, I got you something by the way." I said and set the bag on the table. "Thank you, now answer me, why are you acting out?" He asks. "I just haven't been feeling the best, not a big deal. Where's kenzie anyway, she usually never lets you out of her sight." I scoff. "She's sleeping, and why are you always bringing up kenzie?" I've had enough of this.

"Because everything revolves around kenzie right? All of my friends have to be around kenzie, EVERYONE FUCKING LOVES KENZIE?" I slammed my phone on the table and mattia jumped slightly by the loud sound. "Dude, what's your problem?" He asks again. "Nothing, I'm doing fine. I'm doing the best I've ever been." I said. "Y/n," he walked in front of me and put his hand on my shoulders, "What's wrong, talk to me please?" Just those words made it all break down. I felt the tears spill out as mattia was shocked and didn't know what to do. "Y/n, what's wrong? What happened?" He asks and I tried to get away from him but his grip kept me in place. "Let me go!" I cry and pushed him away. "Stop." He repeated as I kept pushing him away from me.

"Tell me what's wrong!"

"You wanna know why I'm upset!"


"You really want to know!"


"I'm upset because you chose kenzie."

He froze in place, "What did you say?"

"You chose kenzie, you always choose her and it obviously shows who you prefer and who you like. I can't compete with kenzie, I can't even hang out with you without YOU inviting her. She's all you ever wanted in a girl and-"

"Y/n, you're all wrong, I know I hang out with kenzie a lot but that doesn't mean I forgot about you." He sighs. "Mattia, I know I'm asking a lot of you, but please... her or me?" I asked and looked down. "Y/n-"

"Her or me? And I'm sure she's really great," I took a pause; was I really about to confess my feelings for him right now," But mattia, I love you. So pick me, choose me.. love me." Tears left my eyes as I left mattia there with everything i had felt on the floor.

I went to walk away, but mattia had grabbed my arm, "There's not point in choosing when I definitely already set my answer a long time ago." I didn't look up at him, not wanting to hear his answer.

He lifted my chin up slowly and looked into my eyes deeply, "It's always been you." With that he kissed me softly. I couldn't even put my head around the feeling I was having, I wanted to stay in this moment forever, but I know it would come to an end. I pull away, "Are you sure?" I ask. "Yes." He replied and pulls me back into a kiss.

made: 08/22/2020
word count: 1500

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