Debate Championship (Part One)

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-In this, Dick is abou 8/9-

"Debate team semi-finals! Are you excited?"

Dick nodded shakily. "Yeah, this is big."

"I know I'm not supposed to be back here, but I wanted to check in before the championship."

"Thanks," Dick smiled. "I think we're meeting up in a few minutes, so..."

"Okay, I'll get lost until it starts, in the meantime." He passed Dick's a pack of TicTacs.

"Thanks!" He smiled, mints helped him focus. "I'll see you in the audience?"

"Of course!" Bruce said goodbye to his foster son and left to get a cup of coffee before the championship.

Dick popped a mint in his mouth. He couldn't believe his team had made it so far! He wasn't supposed to be on it, except his Math teacher convinced the school to let him join the Grade 7 debate team. Now, here they were: Central City, to face off against one of the other best middleschool debate teams in the country.

"Grayson! We're having a huddle, get over here!"

"Coming!" He ran to his tiny, five person team. They were gonna crush these cenral kids!


Dick could feel his heart racing as the 'judges' announced each team. He gripped the edge of the table. The other team had already been introduced, and they had A CHANT! The gotham kids didn't have a chant, But they did have blazers (Dick's blazer was a little big though, so he'd cuffed the sleeves and pinned it in the back).

'And a new addition to the Gotham Junior Academy team is a fifth grade student Richard- I believe he perfers Dick- Grayson.' 

A lanky kid with Stupid, spikey snorted at his name.

"Is that funny?" Their teacher escort called out stiffly.

The kid, shook his head, smirking at Dick. "No, sir, it's just allergies." Great, a smartass. "But a fifth grader on their team?... he must be good." He said with more than a hint of sarcasim.

"Dude, Chill, they were desperate. They clearly didn't have enough 7th grade players." A girl on that team snarked.

Dick bit his tongue, looking into the audience. He couldn't see Bruce because of the spotlights. 

It wasn't so bad... he'd survived the introductions. Next, they got their prompt; it was on the serious side, but had been dumbed down for children: Should human cloning exist? The public school had to argue why it was good while the privet school argued why it was bad.

The seperated, given five minutes for planning their points and rebuttles, while the guy doing the announcements individually quizzed team members on what it was like to have worked up to semi finals. The kids, being twelve and stressed, mostly just babbled and asked him to carry on.

Great, he was aproaching Dick. He mentally prepared himself. 'Just act like you do with the press: charming and dismissive' !

"So, Dick Grayson."


"You are the youngest here by two years. Is that scary to you?"

"Nope." He smiled a little.

"No?" Dick shook his head. "So you're pretty confident then?"

Dick nodded. "Well, we're at semi finals, so I think I'm pretty smart at this point!"

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