Dick's First Protest

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-Don't forget, "the 2020 revolution" has a good ring to it!-

"...Bruce..." Dick peaked around the corner into Bruce's office, puppy dog eyes locked and loaded.

"What?" His father asked suspiciously.

"Can I leave school early tomorrow?"

"...why?" Bruce asked, even more suspicious.

"...To go to the protest in Central...?" Dick asked pleadingly.





"Dick. You aren't going to that, it could be dangerous." Bruce stated.

"Come on! You're all about justice! All you've done is donate twenty mill! that's, like, not even a third of your wealth!" Dick realized he was going down the slippery slope of bringing up wealth. "Billionaire keep the system corrupt, you know!"

"Dick, You can't go. There might be teargas, and if the police get involved, it might be even more dangerous."

"So you agree? Cops are dangerous." Dick saw his guardian's unimpressed reaction and groaned. "But you let me do WAY more dangerous things on patrol!

"Dick, arguing with me isn't going to get you what you want." Bruce was not letting his baby bird be hurt, arrested, or even killed at a protest. He supported the people who were protesting, but there was no way his little boy was going to be hurt by that.

Dick sighed heavily. "Well, can I go to the mountain after school?"

"...Fine, but you'd better actually go to the mountain."

"Of course I will!"


"I can't believe Bats said okay." Wally said as Dick entered  the mountain.

"He didn't." Dick replied. "I had to forge an absence note."

"Nice!" Artemis said, pulling her hair up. "We're going as heroes, right?"

"I think." Conner replied. 

"OOH- Rob, I have a gift for you!" Wally exclaimed, Digging through his back pack.


"BINGO! matching shirts!" Wally pulled up a black shirt with white writing.

Dick read the text on the shirt."Are you kidding? Bats will kill me!" He laughed.

"Rob, We go out together, and we go out in style."

"Wait, who's going out with who?" M'gann asked, gliding in. Wally had seemingly given her a t-shirt too. It read:  Illegal ALIEN.

"Nothing, Ms. M. Hey, it looks like Walls gave you a shirt too!"

"He gave all of us shirts, but if I don't wear this one, no one will recognize me." Conner explained, turning around to show that the back of his signature shirt said: DON'T MAKE KRYPTONIONS FLEE ANOTHER PLANET.

"Did Atry get a shirt?" Dick asked. Artemis Held her shirt taught so Dick could read the Graphic: I WAS BORN HERE, STOP ASKING.

Kaldur even wore one that read: DON'T FORGET THAT HUMANS NEED WATER TOO.

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