After School with Barbra

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-I managed to fit in a mid-camping trip update-

-sorry if the formatting is weird, I copy-pasted from the Notes app-

Dick strolled out of the school and into the rain. Huge, lake-like puddles surrounded the school, and he had to be careful not to get his shoes soaked.

"Hey, Grayson!" Before he could turn around, there was a hand on his back, and he was stumbling forwards, tripping over the pavement. His instincts just had time to protect his head as he crashed into the deep, murky water. He tried to pull himself up, hearing some feet splashing through the puddle around him.

"Aww, did you get something on your pretty white shirt?"

There was a laugh, and the sound of two pairs of footsteps, running off. Dick tried to blink the water out of his eyes. The culprits was gone by the time he opened them, but he already knew who they were. At least he'd be able to change at home...

Shoot! Bruce had people over for something, he was going to Barbra's after school. What a great end to a fantastic school day.

"Ew, what the hell happened to you?" Barbra was waiting, arms crossed, just around the corner.

"I fell."

"Gross." Was her response. "Don't touch me. Let's catch our bus."————————————————————————————————————————Dick trudged miserably off the very full bus, and into the apartment building. His clothes were still muddy, and sopping wet, even his socks were completely soaked through. On the bus, he could feel everyone inching away from him.

"Don't touch anything." Barbra warned, opening the door. "Take off your shoes and go straight to the bathroom."

"Okay." He forced off his sneakers at the door, and stumbled into the washroom.

Barbra closed the door. "Take all your nasty shit off, I'll find something for you to wear."

"Thank you." He said quietly.

The 'something' ended up being a pair of overalls adjusted to fit him, and an old pyjama teeshirt that said 'Modern Dancer' which was a little embarrassing, but petty comfortable.

Barbra held out a can of BBQ Pringles, which he took. "You look, uhhhhhhhh....."

"Thanks." Dick muttered, landing on the couch next to her. "What are we watching?"

"Real Housewives. It's trash, but I can't stop watching it."

Dick watched a bit. "Wait what's happening?"

She shoved yet another fistful of chips in her mouth. "Don't know."

They sat in silence for a few minutes, getting comfortable, leaning against each other on the couch. Barbra had her legs stuck out over the armrest, where as Dick's limbs were tucked underneath him for warmth.

"When did Bruce say they'd be done at the manor?" He shuddered

"I dunno, five or six or something." Barbra got up, heading to the kitchen, leaving the warm, fuzzy, blanket she'd been lying on. "Did you hear they're firing Mr. Barre?"

"No!" Dick exclaimed, Mr. Barre was both of their gym teacher. "I mean, I can't say I'm... um..."

"Upset? Hell no! That guy's a creep!" 

"Oh good." Dick sounded relieved. "I thought I was the only one who thought so!"

"Yeah." Barbra opened the kitchen cabinet. "I'm gonna make dinner soon, do you want spicy chicken ramen or beef ramen? I think we also have leftover fries from, like, a week ago..."

"Hmm, I dunno." Dick slid over, snuggling under the blanket for warmth.

"Okay, spicy chicken it is." She started boiling a pot and walked back to the couch. Dick was in her spot, under her blanket. "Hey, move."

"Sorry." He mumbled, regretfully letting go of the blanket.

She scoffed, taking her territory back. "You know, genius, you can just turn up the thermostat if you're cold."


"Go for it."

Dick never got to use a thermostat. At home, if he altered the temperature of the room even slightly, Bruce would be there in a second, turning it back, and chastising him for wasting power.He turned up a few degrees. "Is that good?"

"We'll wait and see." Was her response. And she was right. It ended up being perfectly warm and cosy.

They sat and had their ramen on the couch, only spilling a little. This was terribly exciting to Dick because Alfred wound NEVER let him eat while watching TV. Not to mention that they snacked on Ritz crackers and semi-sweet chocolate chips throughout dinner. It was the kind of balanced meal that only a teenager, used to feeding herself could conceptualize. They rounded the feast off with a lukewarm peach Le Croix each, to toast the day.————————————————————————————————————————Dick had his damp clothes in a plastic grocery bag when Bruce came to pick him up. His father looked over his new fit disapprovingly. Dick was scared he was about to get in trouble for getting his crisp, clean, uniform dirty.

"What happened?"

"Klutz 'fell over' on his way out of school." Barbra leaned on his shoulder.

"'fell over'?" Bruce asked, picking ip on the inflection.

"Make sure to give back the overalls, they're nice. You can keep the shirt, though."

"I Don't want the shirt." Dick answered honestly.

"Me neither." She replied.

Just then there was a slight buzzing in their pockets. Each took out their phone.

"Burglar alarm at 12th and main." Bruce said. "Barbra, can we change here?"

"Only if Bat-Girl gets to come on this one. She took off into her room to change.

 Dick was relieved to get out of Barbra's old clothes.

"Dick, hurry up." Bruce reminded.

"I'm trying." Dick wrestled with the overall straps.

Barbra came crashing through the door, suited up. "Ready to- oh come on, why are you taking so long?"

"It's stuck!" Dick admitted defeat moodily.

Bruce couldn't stop himself from smiling a little as he reached over and undid the buckle over Dick's right shoulder. "There you go, now get changed."

The boy's face lit up a little. "Thanks! I'll be out in a second!"

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