She is S*T*R*U*T*T*I*N*G

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-Thanks to TheSamonShiper for the request-

-How am I learning to tag people properly lmao, this is my 281st DC oneshot-

Dick had a secret, a secret he'd been hiding for about two months at the point where our story begins. 
See, there were a few gay bars in downtown Gotham, and one thing the batboys did was keep an eye open to make sure none of the patrons were being jumped as they left (because Gotham still has a long was to go for acceptance).

Dick connected with this, and actually began to recognize some of the regulars, and on slow nights he'd stop to chat with them. Friday and Saturday nights were Drag nights at this one bar, and Dick met some of the performers. 

There was these two queens, Tess Tickle and Vanity Lawson, who Dick actually became friends with. Even though they were over twenty years his senior, they also seemed to like this small, colourful, baby gay around to ask for stories. He'd sit with them every Saturday night while they waited for their taxis.

They explained Drag to him, Dick only knew a little about it, and began sharing stories. Soon, the fourteen year old was inspired and obsessed. One night, he mentioned that Drag sounded so freeing, but his dad would never allow him to spend money on that stuff. The next day, Vanity conveniently mentioned she had to get rid of a bunch of old performance stuff that didn't fit... it was basically a thank you gift.

So Dick had a secret. When he house was empty, he dawned platforms and a corset, and slayed. He didn't have a lock on his bedroom door (Everyone cheer for overprotective parents), so Dick would always be carful to make sure that everyone was out before suiting up. 

But of course, it only takes one time not checking...

Dick had a favorite skirt: it was a blue circle skirt that flares out when he spun, and had a leotard. It reminded Dick of the skirt his mother would use for some shows when it fit their seasonal theme. He put it on now, and made sure to lace his corset and double-stack his false lashes like Tess told him.

He was pretty sure everyone was still out, but he was so excited, he didn't think about it, opting instead to pick out some comfortable platforms and hurrying downstairs. The foyer had the best open floor for practicing.

He started warming up, and decided to put on some music while practicing. He just blasted music since no one was home.

Jason pulled off his headphones quizzically. Who the fuck was blasting 22? He left his computer, and went to see who he needed to shut up. It obviously wasn't Tim, since they met in the hallway, equally confused. They crept downstairs, not knowing what to expect.

Dick was having the time of his life. Party in the USA came on, and he began Strutting, spinning, and dipping like he was on the runway. Right at the beat drop of the chorus, he tried out his death drop.


Dick shot up, stumbling in his heels and rolling his ankle. "JAY?"

"Dick, what?" 

"Tim?" Dick whipped his head around, Damian had just come up from the cave. "Guys? I thought- I- But- You- Shit." He muttered.

"What are you wearing?" His oldest brother ordered.

Dick didn't know what to say. Jason did. "Why are you in a fucking dress?" He shouted. "And can you stop the music?"

Dick scurried forwards and did so. "Guys, I..." His face had gone pale under his makeup.

"You're wearing a corset." Damian pointed out. "You can't play this off."

The boy hung his head. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what? We don't know what's happening!" Tim exclaims. 

"So... Mitch's, the bar downtown. I made some friends, and they told me about their hobbies..."

"Oh, Dickie." Tim groaned, almost sympathetically.

"You're a drag queen!?" Jason finally shouted. Dick shrunk away, stumbling on his hurt ankle, and flying into Damian. "That's fucking sick! Oh my god! that's hilarious!" He barked. "Me little brother is a drag queen-neigh, princess."

"Please-" Dick found his voice again. "Don't tell Bruce! please!"

Damian stared down at his little brother, he was being befriended by these strangers he met outside a gay bar. He wanted to shank them for poisoning his baby brother. "Why shouldn't we?"

"Please!" Dick shouted, getting emotional. He was scared enough that his big brothers knew.

"Hey, it's cool, if you like drag, just fucking do it." Jason broke out of his laughter. 

"Really?" Dick trusted that Jason, the flaming homosexual, wouldn't care, but he was scared about his more refined brothers.

Tim sighed. "Okay. You know, you're fourteen. You're exploring. Just don't go to any shows until you're eighteen."

Dick nodded, and the three turned to the eldest brother. "I don't want you to tell anyone either. No one outside this god forsaken family can know."

Dick smiled, a little reassured. "Uhm, Jay, can you take a picture of me?" He was going to show this to his queens at Mitch's. They we're going to be so excited.

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