Truth or Dare With The BOYZZ

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-This idea goes to @WallyandDick , but I had to edit a little because of my own stupid brain.-

-Recently I've been unmotivated to write, because there's been a heatwave in my city. Also, I adopted a new fic, and everything is sweaty and overwhelming-

The league didn't necessarily make a habit of spying on their protégés, but it was a fun little procrastination habit they all shared. All they had to do was check the baby monitors (Cameras), and see what weird stuff their kiddos were doing.



"FMK, the people in the room." Artemis asked.

M'gann blushed a little. She had a boyfriend and didn't know how to handle this. "Um, Marry Conner, of course. Eff... Kaldur I guess, cause I wanna keep this of-age... and kill Artemis? I'm sorry!"

"I don't blame you. but personally, I would've killed Wally." 


"What're you watching?" Barry asked, leaning on the back of Oliver's chair, and watching the computer monitor.

"It looks like truth or dare."


"Robin, truth or dare?" The Martian girl asked.


"I dare you..." She thought for a few seconds. "To inhale helium and see how high you can scream."

Robin looked flustered. "We don't have any."

"I can run into town and get a helium balloon for you." Wally was gone in a flash. They only had to wait about a minute before he returned with a huge, foil, Spiderman balloon. "Take a hit, Rob."

"This is for the game. " He poked a tiny hole in the foil and pressed his lips against it. he took a huge hit. He pulled away and shrieked as high as she could, forcing them to cover their ears. 



"What is that?" Dianah winced, pacing over to them.

"Look out, Black Canary's got a rival." Oliver laughed. The video began attracting the other leaguers' attention.


"Holy Crap! Chip and Dale WHO?" Wally laughed, uncovering his ears.

"That shattered my eardrums." Artemis shouted.

"Kaldur, on a scale of 1-10, how much does Robin sound like a horrifying Deepsea creature?"


"Okay, okay, you're turn!" Robin spat, his voice still relatively high. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth!" Wally replied.


Interest was piqued, Wally was a very dare kind of kid.


"What is the most recent time that you said something totally inappropriate in front of your mentor?"

He chuckled a little "I don't remember the context, but somehow, Flash ended up saying 'I'm sitting here', so obviously I shout 'Barbeque Sauce on my Titties!'..."

Artemis, Robin, and him burst into laughter.



"Excuse me?"

OBarry was getting flashbacks. "Is she ever going to explain that?"

"I don't understand what part of that is a joke..." Arthur asked earnestly, joining the Barry, Dianah, and Oliver around the computer screen.

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