None of us Are Supposed to be The Same Age!

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-for WallyandDick . The ending is pretty shitty, but I'm a little snowed under with work right now.-


"He asked YOU to cover for him and THIS happened." Jason barked.

"It isn't my fault!" Tim protested. "If you'd done your job and taken them down, The gun wouldn't have been anywhere near him!"

"Excuse me."

"Whoa! This isn't MY fault! Don't turn this round on ME!" Jason ran an angry hand through his hair. "We were talking about YOU and how YOU let this happen!"

"Excuse me." The boy repeated.

"What?" Jason shouted, turning to face him.

"Hi, yeah, can I see Bats. please?" Dick asked: Thirteen years old, kicking his legs back and forth nervously.

"Shut up! He'll be here in a few!"

"Hey! Don't yell at him! This isn't Dick's fault?"

"It isn't mine! It isn't yours, it isn't his, So WHO'S FAULT IS IT?"

"DEMON'S!" Tim spat.

"Well that's a sentiment I can get behind!"

Dick watched on, smiling emptily. His head hurt and he could not fully comprehend what he was watching. Only that Two guys in hero (Or villain) getups were arguing over him. He didn't know who 'Demon' was, but he was a little concerned about their name.

Dick just wanted Batman to come back, he stepped in for about half a second when they arrived at the cave, and just sighed and told the two bickering guys to 'figure it out'.

The cave looked different too, but that might just be because he seemed to have a minor concussion. "Hey, fellas," Dick interrupted again. "I mean no disrespect, but who the hell are you?"

"Shut Up!" The stockier one shouted again. He didn't seem to have much of a patience for Dick. "God! Can someone just get Bruce?"

Dick looked surprised. "You know his secret ID?" Dick stood up, and his head spun. "How did you know that? It's a heavily guarded!" He tried to sound intimidating.

He snorted. "I just can't take this fucker seriously! It's goldie! Timmy, you go."

The other one, Timmy, strode forwards. "Dick," He stated. "So... there was a bit of an accident on patrol..."

Dick furrowed his brow. "What happened? Who are you? When will Bruce be back?"

Timmy sighed. "Okay, so you don't remember us..."

There were angry, but light, footfalls from behind them and a boy about Dick's age came storming in.

"You haven't figured this out yet?" The boy snarled. "You're hopeless! stop talking and get to work!"

"Okay." Timmy straightened up with a smirk. "Then you can explain what's happening to Dick."

It was clear the boy was impatient with the situation. He strode in front of Dick. "You've been deaged by about thirteen years. You're supposed to be an adult."

Dick was sure his confusion was obvious. "I'm... an adult?" The boy nodded impatiently. "Do I know you guys when I'm grown up?" He nodded again, rolling his eyes like it should be obvious.

Dick lowered his eyes, confused. "When can I talk to Bruce?"

"Hopefully you won't have to."

Dick really didn't understand. If he was close to these three as an adult, why would he be with people who don't like Bruce? "Am I going to go back to being adult?"

"We don't know."

"What made me like this?"

"We don't know."


"Do you ever shut up?" The other kid practically shouted. Dick froze, he didn't expect that.

"Sorry, but I don't know what's going on?" Dick exclaimed, rather pathetically since his mind was cloudy and dark and he couldn't even stand up without passing out.

"If all goes well, you'll be back to normal before we finish answering all your questions."

Dick nodded a little, shifting his position so he wouldn't be in the other boy's way. Frankly, the kid scared the hell out of him. The last thing you want on a concussion, no matter how light, is shouting. He couldn't remember much, just the facts of his life: Bruce, Alfred, Babs, Wally West, being Robin....

"Am I still Robin when I'm grown up?" He asked after a few minutes.

There was a pause as the other boy looked him up-and-down. "no."

Dick nodded a little. "Am I a hero?" The other boy glanced down at the oversized hero costume Dick was wearing, as if to say 'what do you think?'. Dick shrugged. "Yeah, I guess... So am I in the Justice League? Am I leading the team now or something?" The kid ignored him. "What's your name?"

"Damian Wayne."

"Wayne?" Dick asked, incredulous. "As in our Bruce Wayne?"

"Who else? We're in his basement."

Dick nodded, making his head hurt even more. He almost blacked out. He couldn't process this. "So you're like, related? His son or something?"

"Or something." Damian commented.

Dick frowned. "Is that why I'm not Robin? Do we hate each other in the future? Is that why you're acting like this?"

After a short pause, The kid, Damian, turned to him. "We don't hate each other."

"Oh. I just thought... cause..." Dick shrugged. "I'll shut up now."

"Good." Damian said. The two sat there in silence for a few, very long minutes. "Let's go find father."




FUN(ish) FACT: 
It is Cannon in WB Scooby Doo lore that Alfred Pennyworth  is sort of a family friend/adoptive uncle in Daphne's family. This means that, by extension, Daphne from scooby doo is part of the batclan don't @ me

(Source: 'Scooby-Doo and Guess Who', episode 13 -- What a Night for a Dark Knight) 

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