Secret Spilling With The Team

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-Right now, I'm a little obsessed with Conner Kent's dysfunctional home life. He has a controlling (Vengeful) dad, a neglectful dad, a (Slightly manipulating/catfishing) girlfriend, and a Mutated Wolf and  Robot sphere that he goes to for emotional support-

The team was originally a completely secret team, but the public had began to notice them. The people were worried about whether this new 'hero group' was dangerous, so the league had reluctantly agreed to a couple interviews with the team. The first of these was being held over video call. 

The team was not excited, but their mentors were making them prove that they weren't a threat to the public. They were currently pouting on the sofa, waiting to receive the Zoom call request.

Finally, they got the call (They were using the TV as their screen), and picked up. A woman with frighteningly white teeth answered them on the other side.

"Hello, I am Tammy Knudson from GC News, are you the young team of heroes we've heard about? Say hello to the broadcast." The team greeted shyly. "How about you go around and do introductions? Say your name, and your mentor hero."

Everyone looked around the circle. "WELL-" Wally started, kind of loving the attention. "I'm Kid Flash, obviously, and my mentor is the Flash...Double-Obviously." Robin clapped sarcastically at his eloquence.

"My name is Aqualad, and I lead the team. I am Aquaman's apprentice."

"I'm Ms. Martian, I am Martian Manhunters niece..." She leaned over onto her boyfriend's shoulder.

"I am Superboy." He  stated, not wanting to dive into his home life.

Artemis rolled her eyes. "Artemis. Guess."

"Robin!" Robin exclaimed. "And, y'all already know I work with Batman!" 

"Yes, we do." Tammy humored, talking down to them. "Next question: do you often 'hang out' outside of costume?" The kids look around the circle, nodding. "Do you have any stories for us?"

Wally grinned. "Well, a little while ago, we were on a video conference with the league, and Robin shouted: 'I drive a subUWU!'. and it went quiet, then we heard Wonder Woman telling us To Turn Our Mic Off!"

Dick's face turned red. "I THOUGHT IT WAS TURNED OFF!" 

Artemis cut off the boys. "Once someone asked GA how Red arrow was doing, and he was joking, and said: 'Well, he's still got his hand and a bottle of lube'." Artemis started laughing through her story. "and everyone stopped talking, just as Kid Flash said 'We  Don't Even Use Lube Most Of The Time!'." 


The three youngest members were tripping over each other giggling. Kaldur leaned closer to the microphone. "I'm sorry, I'm afraid the team  does not handle objective questions very well."

"I can see that." Tammy looked bemused. "We have some more quick, lightning round questions to get to know you better." The interviewer flipped through some flashcards. "Who has the closest relationship with their mentor? Who has the least?"

"Robin!" Wally stated, pointing at  the boy. "And the least close is..."

"Superboy!" Artemis answered, earning a slight glare.

"Okay..." Tammy flipped to the next question. "Who, out of the six of you, are in relationships?"

Conner looked slightly grossed out. "That's a strange thing to ask a bunch of minors. would you demand to know the relationship status of high school students you see on the street? Does it make it any les weird that its us?"

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