Teargas, and on How it Impacts Young Birds

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-request by @WallyandDick . Requests always open-

-I went to a thrift store and bought the first season of Teen Titans, I love it so much. I want to buy the other 4 just cause.-

"Fuck." Roy stated.

Dick looked up at his (essentially) big brother.  "What?"

"D'you see those holes? Those are so they can attack us from inside the building." Roy stated. "GO- Go, start giving out the gas masks and if you hear them shooting, drop to the ground." The redhead nudged him. "Go, tell everyone!"

They separated, reaching into their bags and yanking out gasmasks, thrusting them towards unprepared citizens. "They're gonna gas us. They're gonna throw teargas! If you hear shooting, drop to the ground! Rubber bullets are dangerous at this dist-"

There were several loud clanks and smoke began filling the air. People let out cries of shock, and began dropping to the ground, coving their mouths and eyes.

"Robin!" Conner barrelled into him. "They're gassing us-"

"I know!" Dick shouted over the noise. "Help me hand these out masks!" He shoved a handful at the clone, and stumbled through the crowds. His eyes began to sting and burn through his mask, it felt like someone had squeezed tabasco inside his eyelids. His nostrils stung like he had a nosebleed. Dick forced on a mask and kept tripping through the crowds, shoving masks at people.

He tripped, catching himself, inches from the ground. He blindly threw masks around him, hoping people would catch them.

"Rob!" He felt someone pull him off the ground. It was Wally, clasping a wet t-shirt over his mouth and nose. he pulled it away briefly to talk. "Let's-" Wally immediately burst into a bitter coughing fit.

With the little comprehension he had, Dick tore off his gasmask, slapping it over Wally's face. "Put it ON! PUT IT O-" He choked as gas filled his lungs, burning him. His eyes were gushing, trying to flush out the fierce chemical burns. Kicking in pain, he felt someone pick him up, dragging him away. 

He heard a shout: "They're coming out! They're storming us!"

Dick kicked harder, trying to get Wally to put him down, He had to go help them. "Not Today!" Wally shouted through his mask, Pulling Dick into the bioship. "ROY! We're here! GO! GO!"


"can you see?"

Dick stumbled a little, hands out in front of him. It was bad enough that Wally had to help him shower and put on clothes, because he couldn't do it himself, but this day just kept getting worse. "I can basically only see colour. Everything to so blurry..." He  sniffled a little, his nose and eyes had been running like crazy, no matter how may times he rinsed them.

"Fuck, this is all my  fault." Roy groaned. "I shouldn't have taken you out, you guys are too young for that!"

"It's not your fault, we wanted to go protest." Conner stated. Out of the six, he and M'gann were the least harmed; he was Kryptonian, and She didn't need air to survive.

"Robin, how are you feeling?" The martian cooed, getting up, and helping Wally bring him in.

"Not good." He rasped, trying to keep some composure.

"Here, let's sit down." Wally collapsed onto the floor, pulling Dick down with him.

Across the room, Kaldur was leaning over into a bucket of saltwater. The Smoke had seriously messed with his fragile lungs, and right now, he could only breath water, so he wasn't chatting too much. Next to him, Artemis was in sweatpants and a sports bra, trying to washout her long hair. "Eugh, M'gann, help me get this out of my hair."

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