Gay Roller Blading & Coming Out (Gay Brunch Part 3)

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-thanks to LemonAuthorChan for the request!-

-As if 2020 couldn't get any better, the fires in America have flooded my (Canadian) city with so much smoke we can barely see the sun!-

" 'I don't know how to roller skate' -Robin, ten minutes ago." Zatanna laughed. 

"I don't." Dick explained, gracefully line dancing on wheels.  "Never done it in my life." 

"Oh come on, you're so good."

"Artemis! I'm flattered!" He grinned, gliding towards them. "But I don't Roller skate, I just Do my regular gymnastics, Dance, and I go ice skating every year with Wally and Roy."

"Hold on, you dance?" Artemis cut him off, causing Zatanna to giggle a little. "Do you do Ballet?"

"Maybe." He glared them down. "and Jazz and lyrical contemporary. But that is a team secret. You tell anyone and you're dead."

"ROB!" Wally called. "I can't move! There's no friction, every time I try to move, I go into super speed!"

Dick laughed. "Hold on, I'll come get you!"

Conner was clinging to the wall of the ring. He wasn't so sure about the whole wheels on his feet thing. He was even worse then Wally. He couldn't even stand upright. M'gann was pretty good, whenever she started to fall, she'd levitate off the ground until she was back upright.

Kaldur was sitting this one out, playing place holder on the sidelines. Artemis and Zatanna had channeled their 80s roller disco lesbian energy, and were pretending to be Sonny Malone and Kira.

They'd rented out the whole roller rink, not too hard since it was a Thursday evening, and they were just trying to get a little fun in before the busy long weekend.

"Food!" Raquel threw herself down by Kaldur. She's drawn the short straw and had to get everyone food.

"Coming!" Dick shouted,  clutching Wally's arms and spinning at truly terrifying speeds.

"They're not coming. Put some food aside for them." Zatanna glided over, leading Artemis after her. The blonde was more of a hokey skater, and had trouble moving gracefully.

"HEY ROB!" Artemis shouted. 



The boys slowed down a little so Robin could hear something other than their wheels skidding. "Yeah what is it?"

"Just a yes-or-no question." She shrugged, sitting down to eat.


"Does Batman know you're Bisexual?"

Dick stared back at her. He let go of Wally's hands and went violently skidding into the barricade wall. He pulled himself back upright, trying to stop his knees from buckling again. "What?"

"Answer." She ordered. "Does Batman know you're Bisexual?"


"So he doesn't know?"

"No, I'm not-"

"Robin, we support you." Kaldur assured. He'd helped most of his friends come out of the closet.

"Yeah, we're all so gay that it doesn't matter." Zatanna added. 

Dick took a long breath. "No. I haven't told him yet."

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