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-please lemme know what you wanna see next/ how I can improve-

Roy firmly denied it was a playdate, and frankly, he was annoyed that Ollie kept calling it that. Roy would rather call it: 'being stuck watching two annoying little kids while their guardians are having a meeting'

He knew Wally, they'd met a few times, and Wally knew the other kid, but this was going to be Roy's first time meeting the Brat.

They rolled up at Wayne manor around eleven am, and Roy wasn't excited to potentially spend his whole Saturday there. 

Roy glared around the foyer as they were ushered in. The flashes clearly weren't there yet. He immediately separated from the adults, looking for the child he was told would be there.

"Roy," Bruce started, he looked up at the man who's house he was intruding. "Let me introduce you to my Ward, Dick Grayson."

Roy gritted his teeth, trying SO HARD not to laugh. "Okay." He managed.

Bruce turned to the doorframe."Come on, Dickie. You need to meet him eventually." Roy looked around him, spying a short boy in the door. The kid crept forward, hiding behind Bruce a little. "Say hi."

The kid snuck around the man's leg. He had deep blue eyes and black hair. He almost looked like Bruce's mini me.

"Hi." He said shyly. he had a slight accent. 

"Hi." Roy nodded at the boy. Dick was practically frozen from how cool Roy was.

The adults started out of the foyer. "Dick, how about you show Roy your room?" Bruce suggested (ordered). 

Dick nodded and started up the stairs. Roy watched his adult lifelines leave, and hopped up the stairs after the kid. Damn, this boy moved fast. He saw Dick duck into a doorway, and followed. "Damn, slow down."

Dick looked back at him. "Sorry." He gestured around the bedroom. "My room."

Roy expected Bruce to be spoiling this kid more, but there wasn't much in the room: Books (mostly children's and middle-grade), an open notepad full of drawings and unreadable writing, a very small pile of folded laundry waiting to be put away, a single lego set, and a little stuffed elephant on the headboard.

"It's... good." He said. He picked the stuffed toy curiously.

"That's Peanut." Dick stated, pulling his curtains to the side. "He came from the circus with me."

Roy nodded, uninterested, and set the toy back. "Nice."

Dick seemed to get very sad and contemplative after that, holding Peanut tightly. Roy just sat there awkwardly, trying to remember the Wifi password. 

Thankfully, after five minutes, there was sound downstairs, and eager footsteps on the stairs. a shorter redhead boy flew through the door.

"DICK!" Wally shouted.

"WALLY!" Dick shouted.

"Wally!" Roy said, relieved he was no longer alone with the little kid.

"ROY!" Wally acknowledged him too. 

"Let's play!" Dick exclaimed, grabbing Wally's arm. 

Wally shrugged and agreed. "Sure! Roy, you wanna play?"

Roy rolled his eyes. Playing with little kids? He wouldn't usually, but he'd be here for the whole day, so he might as well flex his babysitting skills.

"What do you want to do?" He asked.

Dick thought for a second and grabbed the box off the desk. "LEGO!"

Roy shrugged. "Okay, sure."


An hour later, Ollie knocked on the door with Dick's name taped on it. 

"Hmm?" A voice asked. 

"It's time for lunch." He leaned on the door, not expecting that it wasn't locked.

Inside the three boys were sprawled out on the floor, each holding a lego figure and lying around a sort of lego floor plan.

Roy quickly dropped his figure "I'm just entertaining them." 

"Uh huh, Sure." Oliver grinned down at them. "Lunch is ready, kids."

Great, Roy was Never going to live this down...

They ate quickly, Dick and Wally chatted the whole time. Their adults had to keep reminding them to eat. Roy ate calmly, trying to act grownup to contradict having been caught playing Lego with two little kids. It didn't work so well.

After lunch, the kids and adults separated again. The boys got bored of building the Watchtower with Lego, and decided to play something else. Roy tried to teach them card games, but Wally didn't have the attention span. After some chatting, and Roy showing off his phone, Dick and Wally got really into the idea of the arts. 

They grabbed Dick's notebook and begged the teen to write for them since he had nicer handwriting. They came up with the idea of a play, just a short one, about A superhero fighting a super villain. 

The younger boys fought over the roles, and eventually decided that Dick would be the villain (mr. Evil), Wally would be the Hero (Hero)  and Roy would play every other characters (who had normal names like Michelle and Josh).

Their script was pretty funny, Roy thought, an excellent satire, even though the kids had no clue how funny they were.

The problem was, the three were getting hungry, and if they went downstairs, they'd catch too much attention from their adults.

"No one will question you, you live here." Roy said. "C'mon!"

Dick didn't want to be shunned my his friends, so he nodded. "...okay."

"Great, so, you're going to get two seltzers, and as many cookies as you can carry. And if anyone asks why, you say they're for you. Okay?"

Dick nodded, he felt like a spy. "Okay!"

He crept down the stairs. Roy watching, hidden on the landing. He knew Alfred wasn't in the kitchen, so he hoped he'd just be able to get in, get out, and not be caught. It sounded easy enough, he even managed to Snag some extra goodies before heading back.

Just as he was heading to the stairs he heard: "Uh, what're you doing with all that, buddy?"

He turned around to see that the door to the drawing room was open, and the adults were staring at him.

"Roy told me to say that it's for me."

"COME ON!" He shouted from the landing.

Oliver snorted, the three of them rolled their eyes. Bruce smiled a little, sighing. He got up and walked to Dick, scaring him a fair amount. Bruce took one of the seltzers and most of the snacks. "Thank you." He ruffled Dick's hair. "Keep the rest."

Dick was holding just enough for three kids. "Sorry." He stated to the room at large.

"Just ask next time." His foster father reminded cracking open the can, and taking a sip as he closed the door.

Dick looked nervously up at Roy, who was coming downstairs. "Way to go, actor." He looked over their haul. "Oh, well, it's better than nothing... come on."

Dick Grayson TrashWhere stories live. Discover now