The League Needs Better Communications (The Deal)

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-I was torn between titles.-

Bats assumed the kids would tell their mentors about their weekend assignment. this is how he learned to contact the leaguers directly, instead of assuming the kids would.

It wasn't a 'mission' necessarily, the team's assignment was just to loiter outside this high school in star city on a Saturday, and find out which one of the school's dealers was selling Cocaine. yeah, teens in the area were selling coke to other teens.

Apparently, the person would have you ask them over Instagram 'for a nug', so people would think he sold pot instead of coke. 

they didn't know which of the main four it was though. So over a weekend, Artemis and Dick would go undercover and conduct four deals to fin out who it was. Don't worry, the others (Minus Kaldur, who wasn't on land that day), watched them from a distance as backup.

"Funnily enough, bats' training never told me how to act at a drug deal." Robin spat over the transmitter hidden in his shades.

Artemis pulled her snapback down. "Just follow my lead, I've been doing this forever."

"Forever?" Robin rolled his eyes. "I've been a hero for five years, you started like, ten months ago."

"Not the hero work, genius." She scoffed. 

Dick thought for a second. "What?"

"She means she's gone to drug deals" Conner sighed over the comm, he and M'gann were pretending to be making Tik Toks further down the breezeway.


She elbowed Robin. "It's almost one, come on." They went up to the side of the school building. 

"Won't we look suspicious?"

Artemis shook her head. "It's pretty normal for one, or both, parties to bring a buddy incase they get jumped." She unbuttoned her shirt a little bit to cool off. "Do we look casual?"

Wally was watching them from the field, pretending to be a kid playing soccer. "Yeah, you look normal, just stop talking to your comms." He pushed his hair off his sweaty forehead. "It's so hot! I wanna get slurpees!"

"Classic KF." Robin said over his transmitter, pretending to be talking to Artemis. "But I saw a cool looking ice cream shop on our way down here, we should stop there on our way home."

She smirked. "It's cute that you call the mountain 'home'."

Robin pouted. "Doesn't everyone?"

"Team, I see our dealers." M'gann warned.

Robin and Artemis stopped, trying to act normal. Dick faced the approaching figures. there were audio and video transmitters in his glasses, he was just filming the whole thing.

"Wuddup. It's Jude, right?" Artemis asked.

"Yeah." The taller figure, about nineteen nodded. "this is Bigoli, ignore him."

"fuck you too." Bigoli said.

Artemis nodded. "I'm Lucy, you were in the grade over my sister, last year." She said. "this's Caleb."

Dick waved a little.

"Freshmen?" Jude asked. 


He rolled his eyes. "Aight. well, there was an issue, and we ran outta paper." He passed her a little sandwich bag with a nugget in it. "But this shit's pretty strong. one pinch will have you dreaming."

Artemis nodded, biting her lips, and taking the little sandwich bag, palming it into her pocket to maintain their fingerprints. He shoved a ten at them. "There you go." 

"ye." He took the money, and the two grads started to walk away. "DM us if you want more, babe."

She nodded. "Bye, I will."

The teens watched them leave and let air out of their lungs. "Well, that's one down."

Artemis nodded. "They're good, just your average, run of the mill, older-brother-pot-dealers." She reported to the others. "Our next ones should be here in about twenty minutes."

"Still, did you get clear shots, Robin?" M'gann asked.

"Yep! the whole thing on the best concealed cameras in America." He bragged.

They stayed separate, chatting over the mindlink (which they realized they could set up), and waited for their next suspect(s).


Wrong place at the wrong time.

Oliver Queen was just unlocking his car, when his eye was caught my the flit of a very familiar blonde ponytail. He turned to see... Artemis, wearing a snapback and jean shorts. What was she doing in Star? Sure, she worked there at night, but it was mid-afternoon. next to her was, yep, Dick (or, rather, Robin), in fancy-looking Raybans and a hoodie. 

"What the hell are-" He locked the car again and wandered towards the crosswalk. The two were loitering outside the closed school, jerking their heads slightly. they must be on their mindlink. Suddenly, he saw they were being approached by two older teenagers.

He stayed back a moment, what were these kids doing in Star city, meeting teenagers outside some random school? Then he saw it: Artemis passed them a few bills, ad they gave her... something, in a plastic bag.

OH HELL NO! this is a drug deal! They were here buying drugs! Oliver swiftly pulled out his phone and began recording. He was telling their parents! He recorded until the older teens walked away, and then forwarded it to Bruce and Dianah. one of them was going to have to give a 'drugs are bad' talk.

As soon as the light changed, he hurried across the street, and strode towards, the kids, who seemed to be whispering back-and-forth.


"Ollie?" Artemis patted her pocket without realizing. "What're you- never mind. We were just heading back to the mountain."

"Sure you are, I was watching you guys across the street."

"What? Why?"

"Show me what's in your pocket."

Artemis looked confused. "I can't, it's evidence, we can't get fingerprints on it."

"Evidence of what?" He ordered. The kids looked confused, and a little nervous.

"The... mission?" Artemis asked. "this is evidence, we're taking it to Bats-"

In an instant, Oliver had the 'evidence'. yep, a tiny baggie of Marijuana.

"Weed? Artemis, I thought you were done with all that. and D-Robin, you're WAy too young to be involved wth this!"

"and you're not my dad." Dick spat back.

"Ditto." Artemis nodded. "Rob, call Batman, we need to sort things out."

The kid reached up to tap his comm. "Sure, you call the others. I have a feeling we ALL have some explaining to do."

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