A Furby

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-I did some more horrifying Long Furby paintings. Let me know if you want me to post pics-

"Hey Dickie, how was school?"

"Good." Dick said hurrying past him. 

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" His father watched him dart up the stairs, already loosening his school tie.

"Wally's." Dick said.

"Aren't you forgetting something?"

The boy paused at the top of the stairs and turned to him, timidly. "Can I go to Wally's?"

"May I."

Dick rolled his eyes. "May I go to Wally's?"

"Did you do your homework? When will you be home?"

"Yes! and I'll be home by six-thirty!" Dick said, fidgeting impatiently.

"What are you going to be doing?" Bruce asked suspiciously.

"Just. Stuff." Dick shrugged.

"Is you phone charged?"


"And you'll text me when you get there, and on you're on your way home?"


"Okay, you can go." Bruce relented. "Wear a jacket."

Dick raced off to get changed. Wally had gotten an old Furby from the thrift store, the talking mechanics were broken, but Dick was pretty sure they could be repaired with relative ease. He quickly changed into a sweatshirt and jeans and ran to the batcave to grab some tools. This was going to be awesome.


"rAAGH!" Wally thrust the macabre beak in Dick's face as he rounded the corner.

"WALLY!" Dick shouted, staggering back, he bent over to catch his breath. "It's so creepy! Don't do that!"

The redhead smirked, pulling the toy back. "We need to name him. What do you think of Rupert?"

"I think you're crazy!" Dick said, brushing past his friend and into the house.  He kicked off his shoes. "Let's go upstairs."

"Did you bring supplies?"

"Yep!" Dick turned into Wally's bedroom. "It was hard to find a 'furby spine', but I made it work."

"Awesome! Pass the fake fur! I'll make the body and you work on the circuits and the spine." Wally was careful to close the door after him. "Aunt Iris said I could use her sewing machine. Well, it was Grandma's sewing machine, but she got it."

"Should we pop out the eyes to customize 'em?" Dick asked, taking the haunting Furby from the redhead.

"Uh, sure, let's do that last."

They got to work: Wally measured and cut faux fur fabric, and Dick got to work on the circuits. The two made themselves busy, looking up tutorials and following them to the best of their abilities.

"How long do we make him?"

Dick shrugged. "As long as we want I guess."

"Well, we have about eight feet of fabric." Wally looked up with a devilish smirk. "Shall we?"

"Hell yeah! Eight foot furby!" Dick agreed, turning back to his work and fiddling with the circuits a little. "Hey! We can customize the audio recording! We can record a bunch of different messages and stuff!"

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