Trip to The Cabin (The New Kid Part 2)

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-Thanks to @JRyszarda for the awesome request! Requests are always open! This is one of several upcoming sequels to "New Kid".-

-this is one of my longest oneshots-

"Gross, You're Gonna Get Me Sick!" Jason complained, he was stuck in the back of the car with Dick, who's car seat took up most of the backseat. 

"Sorry." Dick sniffled. He had gotten a cold last night. He struggled o talk around his stuffed nose. "I'm don't try." 

"You should be sorry. Move over, you're taking up so much space!"

"Jason, be nice, he's just little." Tim turned around in front of them

"I don't care, it's annoying!"

"He's annoying." Damian corrected under his breath. Four hours of Jason complaining about Dick was exhausting him, this was supposed to be a holiday.

Finally, they arrived, and began getting out of the car. The snow there was easily two feet high, which was over half Dick's height. Luckily, the path was relatively clear for them.

"Move over!" Jason shoved Dick a little on the way up to the cabin. The kid slipped on the icy path and stumbled after the rest of his new family, shuddering with the cold. Dick hated the cold.

"Let's get inside and warm you up." Terry chuckled, picking the boy up and carrying him over a snow drift and inside. "Everyone take off your boots when you come in." He set the five year old down and helped him pull off his brand new winter boots. 

It was Dick's first winter with them, and he'd caught a rough cold right before their annual, week-off, ski holiday. Still, they refused to leave the little boy home, and bought him with them.

"Missed this place." Tim pulled off his coat, hanging it up.

"Move." Damian knocked him in the side, bringing in a box of food. "Drake, make yourself useful."

Tim sighed and pulled his jacket back on, heading back out to the car to bring things in.

Jason kicked off his shoes and dumped his things on the floor. He started wandering around excitably and taking in the ambiance. 

"Jason, put those up properly, please." Bruce reminded tiredly. He bent over where Terry was helping Dick. "Dick, you're going to be sharing a room with Jason this week, okay?"

Dick nodded, understandingly, but Jason wasn't having it. "What? Normally I share with Tim!"

"Well, now there are five of you, so Damian will share with Tim, and You will share with Dick."

"Why can't Terry share with Dick?" Jason groaned, but he didn't get a reply.

Terry finished helping Dick get his snow gear off. "Hey Dickie, we're going to start on Dinner, so how about Jason shows you upstairs and you can unpack and get into bed and rest for a bit."

"No way, you show him upstairs!"

"Jason, please?"

Jason huffed and headed upstairs, holding his backpack under one arm. Dick followed, gripping the handrail and struggling to drag his bag up after him. "In here." Jason rounded into the first bedroom. He tossed his bag on the more comfortable, warmer, bed. "That one's yours. If you snore, I'll make you sleep down stairs."

"I won'." Dick said, around his stuffed nose.

"Good. Terry says you have to get into bed until dinner." Jason left, snapping the door closed after him. He thought he'd be glad to get out of school and have a week off, this was usually fun, but now Dick was taking up half his bedroom.

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