Inconvenient in General (The sequel)

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-I googled "Clown Plants"-

Dick was hugging his backpack against his chest. He wished he could take Peanut out for comfort, but he was scared these woman would hurt Peanut. 

The blonde Woman, Harley was staring at him, grinning, in silence, and he was a little unsettled. Okay, a lot unsettled. This was probably the scariest adult he'd had babysit him, which wasn't saying much, since Bruce was very protective over who was left alone with him. 

He didn't look the woman in the face, which was hard, since her face was so close to his. Dick let his eyes wander a little, and got a better look at her hair. It was platinum blonde, except the last two inches or so, which were chemically dyed.

Dick tried to say something, but his preexisting fear of messing up his English was amplified by the fear he already felt in this situation. "I like- hair." He managed. "Didn't know it could look that." He was already panicking by the time he forced the sentence out.

Her grin grew wider. "I dyed it. Cool, right? Wanna touch it? You'd look good with dyed hair..."

"Cat would kill us." The redhead reminded, skimming through cannels on the tiny motel TV.

Harley continued chatting at Dick for a few minutes, before dropping silent, and then literally dropping backwards on the bed. "I'm hungry."

"Eat." Pam, the redhead was impatient, and already in a bad mood because of Dick.

"I don't wanna." Harley replied. "and Cat said I couldn't even eat you until the kid was gone."

"A smart woman." Pam replied.

After a minute or two of Harley sulking because no one would listen to her complaining, she spoke again. "I want ice cream." She sat bolt upright and looked at Dick with those terrifying eyes. "D'you want ice cream?" Dick shrugged, he didn't trust her much. "I'm going to get ice cream." She snatched up a semi-automatic pistol and flounced out the door.

"Take you're shoes!" He companion shouted, but Harley had already slammed the door.

Dick got a better look around the hotel room, and it looked less like a motel, and more like a temporary living space. The two twin beds had been shoved against each other, yet it still looked like someone slept on the floor relatively often. There were some official looking suitcases with padlocks around the room and, oh yeah, there were plants EVERYWHERE.

On one side of the bed, the side that Pam was on, there were at least a dozen potted plants of all shapes and sizes. despite the variety, they all had one thing in common: They were ridiculously huge. Dick didn't recognize many of them, accept a rose bush, and a Venus fly trap (Which he didn't know the name for).

The rose was shedding dying petals around the tiny apartment. He cautiously approached the plant while Pam was half-heartedly listening to Wheel of Fortune. "Is Rose sick?" He asked shyly.

The woman sat upright immediately. "Don't touch that!" She spat. 

He jumped back. "Rose looks sick..." He explained, trying not to cry from being snapped at by the scary woman.

She let out a breath. "She is." She ran a finger over the bloom's silky petals. "There's no place for plants today. Did you know that this whole area was forest once? Now everything is torn down for expansions and-" She grimaced. "Pipelines. You can barely find roses growing naturally nowadays."

"That is sad." Dick agreed. "Maybe that's why Rose looks sad." He decided.

She nodded absently. "Yeah." She sat back on the bed. "Maybe."

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