Kids Gettin' Kidnapped (New Kid Part 3)

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-Big thank you to @JRyszarda for the idea (I LOVE writing these)!  requests always open-

"Dad, I don't need a babysitter! you guys are only gonna be gone, like, two days!" Jason complained.

"I know, you keep telling me." Bruce sighed with exhaustion, Jason had been pestering him all morning. "But Dickie does. You're at school all day on tomorrow, and his leg's still healing."

"Can't you take him with you?"

"Dick doesn't have a passport yet." Bruce said, checking his watch. The babysitter should be there any minute. 


"Dick, don't stand up, you're leg is hurt!" He set down his bag and hurried over, swooping Dick off his feet, and carrying him back to the living room. He set the little boy back on the sofa. "stay down, if you need anything, ask Jason."

"You going?"

"Yeah, I'm going, but I'll only be gone until saturday morning. That's only two sleeps from now."

"But you going."

"Yes, Dick, but I'm not leaving forever. I'll be back really soon. Jason has school tomorrow, but he'll be back in the evening, and Tim will come home after you're asleep tomorrow night, and then I'll be back when you wake up. Okay?"

Dick's brain didn't really process all that, he just knew that Bruce was leaving him. "Stop going!" He begged, starting to cry.

"Dick, I have to go." He tried to pry himself away from the crying boy's grip. "But somebody's going to be coming in to take care of you and Jay; I think her name is Laura, she's really nice, and you're going to have fun, okay? I'll be back before you realize."

Even after that, it took five minutes to calm Dick down enough to let go of his sleave, and another two to convince him not to stand up again. Just as Bruce was telling him that trying to walk will make his leg take longer to heal, the doorbell rang. Still trying to reassure his youngest, Bruce raced to the door, trying to get there before Jason.

The person ringing the bell appeared to be in her thirties, with her hair pulled tightly into a bun (Propably hair-sprayed to death), and probably the brightest red shade of lipstick that a drugstore carries. "Mr. Wayne-"

"Come right in, I'm running late."  Bruce began making sure he had his keys, phone, passport, and such as the woman entered. 

"She looks like she just fed on a gazelle." Jason sneered, judging the hell out of her makeup.

"I'm sorry, this is Jason."

"The older?"

"Yes. Richard's in the next room, he broke his leg a couple weeks ago, so He'll need help walking.Their older brothers' phone number's are on the fridge, and you have my number." He tried to think if he forot anything. "Shoot, did you want payment upfront?"

"We will discuss the money later." She gave a Crest Whitestips grin.

Bruce nodded, said goodbye to his sons, and left to catch his flight, all this starting off Dick's crying again.

Jason followed the sobbing, and leaned on the back of the couch that Dick was crying on. "Chill, he's going to come back... probably." this did nothing to reassure the boy.

"Oh, poor baby." The woman, Laura, slipped in after them. She bent over, running a finger down his cheek. Dick shied away, hiding in the throw pillows. "What's wrong, sweetheart."

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